Sunday, May 20, 2012

New and Crescent Moon

May 21 Monday With today’s Gemini new Moon we can scrutinize our shadow issues and collect instinctual messages from our subconscious mind about how emotionally detached, or not, we are from them. This can mobilize energy in amazing ways. With some effort a method for plunging into these psychically weighty yet wonderful self-discoveries may begin to formulate. Putting insights together, however, is challenging at this time. Just take the lead in mentally exploring some newly awakening territory in your psyche. As the day wanes, we may find ourselves overly stimulated with self-information. May 22 Tuesday The Gemini Moon embraces Venus this afternoon for the first time since she went retrograde last Tuesday. This is one of those intimate feminine sharing events during which many values are placed on the table and the quality of harmony and disharmony in relationships can be discerned. There’s a strong longing for security and acceptance in such an encounter. With Gemini being quite a socially inclined sign, some may experience this in a gathering, while others may have an internal tete a tete with the precious facets of kindness and sensibilities. The Moon voids herself of thoughtful Gemini from 4:51 pm, MT, until tomorrow morning, bringing a mirage-like quality to the rest of the day. May 23 Wednesday The Moon enters the safe lifestyle of Cancer at 5:31 am, MT. We can rely on this deeply intuitive sign to have our basic needs fed as we flow through the day. The course which we are on, however, may seem to disintegrate in the afternoon if we are not adaptable to innovation and don’t use our imaginations to evoke some sparkle along the way. By getting in tune with the natural sense of emerging directions and following them, versus retreating to old familiar ways, we can nurture independence as well as specialness. By surrendering and trusting we can encounter potential to develop some things. May 24 Thursday With this Cancer Moon comes an awareness of what is needed to develop a personal natural wonder, such as an individual knack at preparing food or designing a web page. Notice how one cares for those behaviors so that they are not hidden or thwarted. The Cancer part of us can easily adapt to the specific demands of that area of our charts. Cancer is natural at instructing, disciplining, and giving moral support. This sign is represented by the Mother archetype. At 7:26 pm, MT, the Moon enters her crescent phase. Take time over the next four days to notice some new element which catalyzes you to seek better balance in your life. May 25 Friday The crescent Cancer Moon goes void of course at 8:34 am, MT, for almost eight hours of scrubbing off the defensive habits of Cancer. This time period is good for actively seeking an altered state of consciousness through engagement with the arts or through meditation. Conflicts can arise between what the rational mind wants and what one’s guts suggest. At 4:11 pm, the Moon moves into the Sun-kissed world of Leo. Our behaviors may take on a quality of performing for others. May 26 Saturday The confident crescent Leo Moon offers many attractions to divert our energies away from the same old grind. We can defiantly shake off some oppressive habits and catch the right moment for important tasks and liaisons. Early Sunday morning, we can feel nurtured by deep inner contacts that help us change our focus towards the structural development of some unusual capacity which we have been given glimpses of during this moon phase. Many details of this seem to get singled out with this future-orientation. The Moon voids herself of rambunctious Leo from 5:54 pm, MT, until after midnight, and uncertainties may arise.


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