Sunday, February 23, 2014

Balsamic and New Moon

Monday February 24 The Moon hikes into Capricorn at 6:50 am, MT, seeking the emotional honesty of the spiritual dimension. There are aspirations to ritualize externally the internal experience of communing with the source of higher guidance. Encounters which boost one’s beliefs in supernatural forces have a way of re-awakening one again and again to the spirit world. And Capricorn can make carefully thought out commitments and recognizes that the all-embracing bonds of spirit are enduring. The consequences of such relationships are karmic. Whatever happens is a trail back to one’s ultimate source. We may be extremely sensitive to what this demands of us on a personal level today. Tuesday February 25 The Capricorn Moon offers a mature perspective of the lessons of this lunation regarding the power of a moment enlightened by intuition. With the honesty of Capricorn we can make a clean break from behavior which ignores this inner wisdom. In a serious, no nonsense mode of self-evaluation, we can find many ways to re-dedicate ourselves to a spiritual immersion. At 7:41 pm, MT, the Moon enters her balsamic phase, signaling a time to move beyond the present focus on inner heart to hearts by envisioning how to have a soul to soul connection with everyone encountered. There’s a restless eagerness to do this in a way that rings true personally. Capricorn can have a strong streak of individuality. Wednesday February 26 The Capricorn Moon is void of course this morning, shoveling off doubts. At 7:55 am, MT, she moves into forward looking Aquarius. This sign stirs up inexhaustible energy for searching for ways to apply new insights. It may be helpful to have a checklist today to prevent going back over what has already been covered. Outer activity, however, can be frustrating. Aquarius is an intellectual sign, and this Moon cycle has been teaching us about the inspirational power of inner dialogue. By looking at things from within one’s mind, we can have sudden realizations which can alert us to what is best to do. The intuitive flashes in our minds can show us how to hold everything together. Thursday February 27 With this Aquarius Moon comes unusual and exceptional ability to imagine and visualize sharing one’s inner experiences with friends and colleagues. Our inner eyes are wide open with Mercury retrograde, also in Aquarius, about to go direct tomorrow. Our minds can change suddenly as more information pops up to help fill in our mental pictures. These images provide wiser perspectives and a higher harmony. For some, the inner bringers of intuition are friends, reminders of spiritual unity. For others, there still might be some uncertainty. Trusting these hidden influences reinforces them as inspired viewpoints which come from a higher, perhaps mythic level of existence. Friday February 28 The Aquarius Moon is void of course this morning as Mercury goes direct at 7 am, MT, focusing on a shift in our interactions and transactions. At 7:53 am, the Moon moves into the selfless-action of altruistic Pisces. Psychic insights flow easily through minds, and a spirit of generosity permeates hearts. There’s an urge to search for something to believe in. The spiritual pilgrim in us wants an ideal way of merging with all of humanity. There’s a desire to embrace and resonate to all. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend March 1 and 2 We had a new Moon at 1 am, MT, urging us to follow some inner intuition which opens one’s soul to others, engaging them in all sorts of heart to hearts. By paying attention to whomever lights up the atmosphere in one’s circle of interaction over the next three days, we may begin to notice how we allow others to either keep us on a spiritual path or distract us from it. Mars went retrograde this morning, energizing our awareness of inner relationships. Early Sunday morning the Moon rinses off inspiring Pisces, and at 8:40 am, MT, Sunday, moves into pioneering Aries, firing up motivation to see where the high road, spirit-wise, will take us. Saturn goes retrograde Sunday morning, urging us to reconsider deeper implications of one’s life journey.


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