Sunday, March 30, 2014

New and Crescent Moon

Tuesday April 1 With this Taurus Moon, evaluating the meaning and value of things we’ve fulfilled since last summer can single out patterns of confidence in our behavior. Self forgiveness for past failures can open one to inner resources and bring about spiritual insights. It’s worthwhile considering inklings of what will be over the month ahead. There’s much emotional growth to gain in squarely facing the obstacles to come. We will all be dealing with powerful forces impacting our lives personally. If the Taurus in us is responsive to a subtle sense of things, we can receive many inspired guidelines from our subconscious mind. The practicality of this zodiac sign offers down-to-earth options. Wednesday April 2 During this day with a Taurus Moon there’s an edge of eccentricity. By following inner radar, we can map our way around or through sudden crises and get past unexpected obstacles. Inspirational exhortations can carry us over muck as slimy as a swamp. But at the same time there can be precious new elements or insights which bring out the real worth of some intrusion. Reinterpreting interruptions may help to appreciate a nonlinear way of learning while finding out about the hidden side of things and the magical potential of a surprising moment. All of this can be tiring. Taking the time for rejuvenating sustenance and activity can re-awaken trust in a greater providence. Thursday April 3 Early this morning the Moon entered her crescent phase, a time to work out the potential of new impulses. At 5:48 am, MT, the Moon moves into inquisitive Gemini. This part of us can be brainy in a far-reaching way, but indiscriminately accepting of all information. Gemini draws from inner resources, and today subconscious imagery randomly floats to the edge of our awareness, overwhelming us with data. Thoughts and conversations can wander off, leaving us disoriented. We may feel directionless. It’s as if all the data in cyberspace and more is filling us with thoughts. We need to still our minds and focus on new concepts which seem to sparkle for attention. One of them could be a gateway to greater possibilities. Friday April 4 This Gemini Moon brings a bundle of learning experiences involving comparing innovations that have come to mind this past week. Weaving elements of knowledge with possibilities can develop confidence to pursue an idea. We may feel like pushing and extending a concept while our inner eye plays with various scenarios. There’s eagerness to get the ideal mental picture of a potential novelty. Yet it seems that something is being withheld. This makes Gemini impatient. Part of us seems to be in a hurry to fill in missing details. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend April 5 and 6 The Gemini Moon is void of course until 3:40 pm, MT. Before that time we may think we’re going in circles and somewhat confused. Then the Moon moves into the comfort zone of Cancer. It seems that a new direction is needed in order to maintain the warm security of this sign for the basic needs of everyone. On Sunday, responding to emotional needs singles out a direction to innovations which deal with tense situations. There are notions of altering a working system, but first it’s important to see how things fit together. To advance we need to confront present conditions and the profound influence of past assumptions which sustain decadent circumstances.


At 11:40 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Question: what would give the Taurus moon an "edge of eccentricity" on the 2nd?

At 11:43 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

... and, once again, I appreciate your Spiritual bend. Many astrologers dont offer such a right brained approach as yourself. Its refreshing, and needed,, in my opinion. :-)


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