Sunday, April 13, 2014

Full and Disseminating Moon

Monday April 14 This Libra Moon brings out an incisive ability to compare things and rearrange them into different categories. A critical adjustment is needed today to shift a context having to do with identity. Sorting out feelings of having been vulnerable, of being assaulted, or of being defensive can dispel false impressions and help one face the lows in life bravely. Feelings and thoughts are flying high today. People jump to conclusions, talk without thinking, and introduce bits of science fiction in their explanations. To make matters somewhat mysterious, the planet Pluto goes retrograde this afternoon fermenting ancient dirges of deeply buried memories of elemental wisdom. Tuesday April 15 At 1:42 am, MT, we had an eclipsed full Moon. Imagine having one of those glass display cubes locked with a stuffed eagle in it and no magician present, no hidden trap opening. A drape is put over it for a few minutes. When it’s removed, the eagle is now a dove. What happened in that darkness? Is a new kind of magic coming into being? Our extrasensory faculties may not have matured enough to figure out what happened. But that is our assignment during this eclipse season: to dress up faculties underused and bring meaning to our perceptions when we’re baffled over witnessing something new. It’s as if the eagle, the USA, has turned into a dove. It’s as if we were above everything and suddenly interact peacefully. Wednesday April 16 This Scorpio Moon brings us into our own inner world to examine those precious things we hold in common with other people. They bring us daily realizations about how we adapt individually to new information. By deeply tapping into complex communication networks we might uncover deeper meanings of the full Moon’s revelations. We are in the midst of an immense evolutionary force pushing forward. The cosmic switchboard wants a new interpretation of reality. With the help of those we journey with and some adjustments, we can do the right thing, even work miracles! Appropriate responses can keep us in the flow of change. Moving along in that rhythm can bring us an incentive to keep going moment by moment. Thursday April 17 The Moon began to void herself of the tumultuous feelings of Scorpio early this morning until mid-afternoon. While she is doing this, we may become extremely introspective. Privacy is highly valued and desired during this time. Contemplation on transcending a present condition can be productive. The Moon moves into the imaginative intellect of Sagittarius at 3:44 pm, MT. Personal desires for raising one’s spiritual consciousness lead to a new path. Self-aspirations draw us to search for an ultimate orientation. Generalizing from one’s own experiences can be both wise and foolish in setting one’s compass. Sometimes we can only avoid the dead ends of the past by asking for directions. Friday April 18 With this Sagittarius Moon our quest to understand what needs to change and what needs to endure comes into focus, just as an almost completed jigsaw puzzle does. Old comrades who have shared past struggles may come to mind or materialize today. Even if they remind us of what not to do, their presence may provide an unexpected but necessary element. The Moon enters her disseminating phase at 3:37 pm, MT, when letting go of the past opens the door to the future. Today this can include working out tensions in a relationship or letting it slide. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend April 19 and 20 The Sagittarius Moon sheds light on the circle of patterns and idiosyncrasies from which we would like to be free. It would be ideal to push oneself from that position to a better one. At 7:17 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course, smothering the persuasiveness of Sagittarius until 7:28 pm when she moves into disciplined and restrained Capricorn. At 9:56 pm, the Sun moves into another earth sign, Taurus. This earthiness points to some practical thoughts about recent revelations. Memories of old ways bring up different factors to consider. Chance meetings on Sunday bring feelings of renewal in the midst of intensifying pressure. This week will feel like being in a pressure cooker.


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