Monday, December 11, 2006

Last Quarter & Balsamic Moon

December 11 Monday
We start the week with a Virgo Moon helping us grasp the necessary adjustments needed for renewing our hopes for the future. There is a quickening of energy to mobilize plans which can be accompanied by impatience. Be adventurous, not reckless; intentionally seek out new experiences that promote ongoing regeneration. Greater self-understanding and self-renewal is available through boldly marching into foreign territory. By opening up to a broader world we can discover how to harness many perspectives and recognize their inner truth.

December 12 Tuesday
The Virgo Moon enters her last quarter phase at 7:32 am, MST. At this stage it becomes easier to comprehend or sense the meaning and value of the whole Moon cycle. The purpose of this lunation was to consciously see some of our habits at work when it comes to insuring the ongoing expression of our creativity. In this complex process, we may have seen a fragment differently, and we can make changes by eliminating the old piece and cultivating a new one. Imagining these changes is supported by a void of course Moon from 7:32 pm until 3:00 am Wednesday.

December 13 Wednesday
The Libra Moon reminds us of our inter-relatedness. If we have been too self-centered, others may awaken us to the common ground in our pursuits. Tolerance and generosity may be ideal qualities to honor this Wednesday. Overall, this is a day for reorienting one’s views in the light of social interactions. Our minds may be racing ahead anticipating the new Moon next Wednesday while we are still weighing and categorizing past events. By rearranging our outlook, we may find an ideal way to freely embrace the past and future with the encumbrances of the present.

December 14 Thursday
Thursday’s Libra Moon succumbs to strange intimations. Outward appearances may seem what we want to believe them to be, but they may be cloaking secrets, some of which may be dangerous or depressing. Some of us may hide out in certain scenarios, hoping not to be seen. It is inner seclusion that is being sought for guidance as to what is best to share with others or what kind service to humanity is the ideal course of action. And it is in this inward mode that deception can be revealed. Tomorrow supports more retreating as the Moon will be void of course for seven hours!

December 15 Friday
By being focused on others and circumstances, this Libra Moon shares with us an ability to evaluate what is best left behind and to face what is on the horizon. Intuitive mental faculties may be rapidly guiding us to seize opportunities for advancement. Yet the Moon goes void of course at 8:33 am, MST, for over seven hours, telling us to relax as she fans out the stabilizing energy of Libra. At 3:42 pm, the Moon enters Scorpio, ready to plunge the depths for ways to fulfill collective progress. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MST, for the weekend Moon Minute.

December 16 Saturday
This morning at 10:46 am, MST, the Scorpio Moon entered her balsamic phase, a time to use all of one’s knowledge and information to provide for the future. This may call for a penetration into and sharing of the thoughts and feelings of others, as well as, confronting the truths of one’s own motives. Our psychic abilities are heightened during this phase with flashes of things to come. On Sunday at 4:31 pm, MST, the Moon goes void of course until 2:10 am on Monday. As the Moon flushes out Scorpio, our minds can be filled with rich images!


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