Monday, April 16, 2007

New and Crescent Moon

April 16 Monday
The fast Aries Moon is closing in on the Sun. Although the Sun overshadows her, she mirrors a wide-open receptive mode that we may feel in our bodies. It is the last day of the balsamic Moon, a time for an attitude of surrender to the magic of allowing spirit to enthuse us with new possibilities. Let the adventurous, active spirit of Aries draw you into the mythic realm of the hero just before the journey begins. Notice any sense of restlessness or dissatisfaction. How did these feelings arrive and what action do they suggest for tomorrow, the day of a new Moon?

April 17 Tuesday
At 5:36 am, MDT, we have a new Moon in Aries, initiating a theme that springs from last month’s eclipse topic of unity vs. fragmentation. The subject now turns to how we confront our collective assumptions, especially those that hone in on our beliefs about our connectedness. Does our daily behavior side-track us from acting as if we are all related or does it exemplify that? At 8:26 am, the Moon goes void of course, spewing out some high aspirations of Aries until 10:11 am, when she moves into tough-minded Taurus, calling attention to well-grounded ideals and expectations.

April 18 Wednesday
The Taurus Moon sharpens one’s sense of what is authentic and worthwhile to pursue. Commonly held values may draw you into certain circles, and instincts may bring out what is useful and what is useless in terms of one’s unique contributions. Observe others and notice behavior that seems like it is automatic. Keep an inward focus that can reveal how you appreciate your own inner guidance or defer to the expectations of others. The Moon goes void of course at 8:29 pm, MDT, until tomorrow morning, offering insights into how co-dependent you might be.

April 19 Thursday
The Moon is void of course until 9:51 am, MDT, shoveling out the indulgences of pleasure-seeking Taurus. Then she moves into Gemini and explores the magical undercurrent of universal life force energy in our natural environment. How attuned are we to the laws of nature and her cyclical renewal? How much of our surroundings do we take for granted? To whose authority on nature do we acquiesce and accept their assumptions? Do we maintain a personal communion with our environment, listening to and appreciating the passing changes?

April 20 Friday
The Sun entered Taurus this morning, and the Gemini Moon moves into her crescent phase relationship to the Sun at 10:50 am, MDT. This reflects the strong provisions of the past with a sense of conviction that it is important to express a need for change, to look for alternatives. There is tension between commonly shared beliefs that preserve our way of existence and a need to revolutionize them to accommodate a broader living field. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MDT, for the weekend Moon Minute.
April 21 Saturday
The Gemini Moon was void of course from 9:51 am, MDT, until 11:50 am when she moved into Cancer. We may feel like we are floating above things, learning about them in a bigger, and perhaps more powerful, context. Cooperative projects may draw us into grasping more complex issues by piercing their basic assumptions. Notice if there is or is not any resistance to repetitive activity, especially on Sunday. Very early Monday morning the Moon goes void of course until the late afternoon which can support gullibility as well as highly changeable conditions.


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