Monday, August 20, 2007

First Quarter and Gibbous Moon

August 20 Monday
With Monday’s Scorpio Moon there may be an inclination to shun social convention. Certain behaviors seem condescending. To avoid patronizing, draw from the broadest range of possible reactions to others. Nuances can make all the difference! At 5:54 pm, MDT, the Moon enters her first quarter phase which is really the second quarter of her lunation. It’s time to develop our connection with other realms, perhaps that of the nature spirits or whatever realm you feel will foster a greater harmony with others. Try to structure things for some basic changes.

August 21 Tuesday
The Moon is now in Sagittarius, encouraging some change of attitude or thinking about how our social and political structures contribute to a unified community. If each of us assumes that we know what is best for everyone and we each try to influence others accordingly, we may encounter each other going off in several directions at once, leaving things unpredictable and frustrating our inner visions. Fortunately, Sagittarius provides some common principles and looks for authority figures who embody high ideals, not just voice them. Human shortcomings aren’t always seen when longing for the fulfillment of some dream.

August 22 Wednesday
The Sagittarius Moon wants freedom but can be bound by close ties. Instead of serving your own purpose, generously share in fulfilling those of others. Try to fuse your goals for the day with the needs of others, and at the same time try to avoid unrealistic expectations that they might have of you. Seemingly ordinary activities can have a ripple effect on more important engagements. Use this Sagittarian energy to transcend the usual interpretation of events. Let your mind suggest other intents that bring lasting happiness based on inner values.

August 23 Thursday
The Sagittarius Moon goes void of course at 6:54 am, MDT, after the Sun enters Virgo at 6:08 am. For almost three hours the Moon disperses the lightning-like flashes of Sagittarian intuition. Some of which may help us join minds in spirit. At 9:20 am, the Moon moves into Capricorn. If we have been moving through the shadows and doubts that seem to hinder partaking in the bigger spiritual picture of life, we might now have found a way to bring a spark of the divine into everyday routines. We may pinpoint a new way to go headlong on a spiritual journey.

August 24 Friday
The Capricorn Moon enters her gibbous phase at 3:52 pm, MDT, showing us that an experience of fullness is nearby. We are urged to pay attention to nature for signposts or clues that encourage efforts to manifest things completely. At 5:41 pm the Moon goes void of course until Saturday afternoon. For almost twenty-three hours, leave behind your worldly concerns and surround yourself with spiritual ones. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MDT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

August 25 Saturday
The Moon is void of course in Capricorn, clearing out obstacles to a more integrative approach to life. At 4:35 pm, MDT, she enters Aquarius where sudden flashes of realizations can come with an expanded symbolic focus. We may sense an altered state in which we see the multi-faceted sides of our relationships. Throughout the weekend be watchful of your internal states. They are your best guide for determining how to bring everything together. A surge of energy may be available for exhibiting your expertise, especially if it brings a shared sense of celebration.


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