Saturday, May 10, 2008

First Quarter and Gibbous Moon

May 12 Monday
The first quarter Leo Moon is void of course this morning. She is wagging off the Lion's tail, easily swayed to lazily bask in the Sun's warmth. We too can space out and be distracted by alluring recreational comforts. Unless resting to renew ourselves is what is of utmost importance to us today, we may be jolted awake by 12:48 pm, MT, when the Moon moves into Virgo, alerting us to all that is left for us to do to fill in activities that are needed now that address a level of self mastery infused with sparks of ancient wisdom. We need to tune into the thread of behaviors that takes us to the core of some personal issue.

May 13 Tuesday
With the Moon in Mercury-ruled Virgo, many things may be running through our minds. Some of the thoughts may be challenging our ideas of our self-image. Traditional knowledge has placed man above other species on this planet. Such a concept may be tricking us by masking the intelligence of plants and other animals. They may have an intelligence that allows us to freely experiment in order to learn some very valuable lessons. We are all part of Mother Nature and as her children we listen and learn through observation of cyclical patterns. Our lives operate on several levels. Connect your inner stirrings with the outer reality.

May 14 Wednesday
With this morning's Virgo Moon we may sense the strides we are making with some of the underlying ground upon which a crucial, valuable issue is based. At 10:38 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course until tonight. With the Moon disconnecting with Virgo during this open-ended period, we may benefit from the use of free-association with the ideas and events that attract our attention. What seems random may fit into a well ordered sequence of activities. At 9:46 pm, the Moon moves into Libra and faces a dilemma of deciding what to perfect next and what to leave alone.

May 15 Thursday
The Libra Moon provides ways to see things in ideal forms. We may take care of our various responsibilities with ease and grace, keeping a focus on what is essential, no matter its visibility and making changes as we perceive what fits where. The pregnant Moon enters her gibbous phase at 6:20 pm, MT. It's time to harness one's attention on behaviors related to harmonizing new approaches to age-old issues of great worth. This involves tying together the insights and events of the past week and a half, looking at how they connect, and polishing off what doesn't fit.

May 16 Friday
The Libra Moon reminds us of those commonly shared behaviors and experiences that form our relationships and give us confidence to advance our ideals. Some of these are cultural links that we may boast about with ease yet may present difficult to handle obstacles when we seek change. Libra appreciates the beauty of alliances and seeks ways to compromise to maintain connections when some of the parties are operating at a different level. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

May 17 Saturday
With the almost fully lit Scorpio Moon this weekend, we may find ourselves in the midst of risk-taking activity as we seek to tie up loose ends having to do with which values get full exposure and which are kept hidden, altered, or trashed. What is it in you that transcends threats, catastrophes, and ridicule? Whatever that is, is priceless and may unexpectedly standout in very familiar circumstances. Our hearts are attracting what we feel inside of us. Applaud the ever-growing awareness of your inner self. Allow that part of you to bring out your highest expression.


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