Monday, May 19, 2008

Full and Disseminating Moon

May 19 Monday
With this Scorpio Moon we may attract some highly impressionable experiences that penetrate into some deeply rooted feelings. If we merge with those feelings and ride their roller-coaster waves, we may discover distortions in our previous interpretations of them. At 8:11 pm, MT, we have a full Moon beginning to reveal how we go beyond struggles of power and destruction, how we arrive at a state of humor, how we use humor to dispel the weight of too much seriousness, how we use laughter to lighten a heavy heart. Surrendering to humor and laughter bring us all down to earth in a spirit of enjoyment.

May 20 Tuesday
The full phase Moon is in Sagittarius, overheating our imaginations with information for the common good. Consider the benefits of team spirit, especially when the members vary in physical, mental, and emotional capabilities. Opportunities for courageous acts abound. If you have a taste for combative activities, be wary of over-confidence. Sometimes a display of innocence and playfulness smoothes over differences. Gather up your enduring values and create a new way to express them. Freedom for the common man may be one to develop.

May 21 Wednesday
With this Sagittarius Moon, there are opportunities to succeed with big schemes and leaps in the dark. The trickster planet Mercury is slowing down to go retrograde this coming Monday, and with the Moon opposite it this afternoon we may get a glimpse at social inequities and some of it may get deflected by some form of humor. Watch how situations generate attention to your ideals. Tonight at 10:20, MT, the Moon goes void of course until midmorning tomorrow. Pay attention to the concepts that get highlighted in your dreams while the Moon is dampening the flames of

May 22 Thursday
Seek comfort and joy while the Moon is void of course in Sagittarius this morning. At 9:55 am, MT, the Moon moves into Capricorn, stirring up strong ambition to collect all the revelations of this waning phase and to be out in front of any confrontation or embarrassment. Capricorn offers the focus and stamina to develop new potentials that have formed images in one’s mind or have materialize as budding opportunities. Make the best of things. Don’t get inhibited by fears or feelings of inadequacy. Hold on to a higher spiritual perspective and use whatever is available.

May 23 Friday
With this Capricorn Moon we may feel isolated or unappreciated. We can find security within limitations by sticking to ordinary expectations for the day. Let others initiate social activities. Of course if everyone does this, we may spent the time solo. In which case, tap into some creative project you’ve been longing to do. The Moon will be void of course, sweeping out industrious Capricorn most of Saturday, helping us visualize what we want to accomplish. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

May 24 Saturday
The Capricorn Moon went void of course early this morning, enveloping us with the wisdom of the past and inspirations on where we head from here. Late last night the Moon entered her disseminating phase, telling us it’s time to show off what we’ve learned from this lunation cycle by letting go of resistance and acting responsibly in the important task of changing some behavior even when we don’t feel ready. At 9:52 pm, MT, the Moon moves into Aquarius, drawing on deeper, inner knowing. On Sunday use your understanding of spiritual wisdom to harness all of your energy to reshape some habit.


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