Monday, March 02, 2009

Crescent and First Quarter Moon

March 2 Monday
With this Taurus Moon, imagine all five senses are experienced by your heart. With a little effort your heart can see how difficulties lead to better times. It can hear specific directions. If you listen, your heart will share them. Your heart may be well protected, but it has a distinct power to penetrate all boundaries to touch and hold just about anything. At 3:43 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course, dusting off the indulgences of Taurus for the rest of the day. We may benefit greatly during this time if we practice seeing through heart-tinted glasses.

March 3 Tuesday
With this Gemini waxing Moon we can grow in awareness of how blessed we are with so many ways to communicate. By noticing today how we use our communication tools to express what is near and dear to us, what we truly are passionate and perhaps zealous about, we can gain insight into how we extend ourselves out into the world. Technology supports more interconnectivity. Does that change our feelings and our capacity to participate more socially? Have modern inventions changed our expectations around interactions with others? Are exchanges, both personal and impersonal, more satisfying?

March 4 Wednesday
The Gemini Moon entered her first quarter phase just after midnight. This is a time to begin creating a new sense of emotional growth by acting on the dictates of one’s heart. In this cycle the guiding lights tells us to bridge what has been with what can be, to let the winds of the future blow through everything everywhere. The past has ended. It’s best not to try to reconstruct it. Instead let attention be drawn to what is showing up that is unfamiliar yet attractive, magnetic. Engage in the challenge of leaving a comfort zone to display the ability to be free of the past.

March 5 Thursday
The Moon moved into Cancer early this morning when most of us were in the mytho-symbolic dream world. Cancer urges us to attune to our instincts, which generally respond to circumstances instantaneously, based on past conditioning or hard wiring between our soul and our DNA. This means we may need to navigate through some dark, nasty emotional waters to transition to another level of consciousness. Cancer is very attached to the past yet strives for individuality. The pursuit of the latter can trump the appeal of old familiar behaviors.

March 6 Friday
The Cancer Moon promotes soul memory. Internal processes can produce a flow of knowledge worth rejoicing in, mulling over, and then again celebrating. With Venus going retrograde this Friday morning, her special day, we might recall five personal values worth getting excited about and paying tribute to in an unusual way. The Moon goes void of course at 5:29 pm, MT, until tomorrow morning, heightening imagination as ima
ge-rich Cancer spills off the Moon like water off a cliff. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

March 7 Saturday
At 10:11 am, MT, the Leo Moon enters her gibbous phase. At this point in the cycle, if we’ve been following the astrological map, the path is easier to follow. The hardest part now is to figure out how to bring everything together for a polished updated, future-oriented way to express one’s heart or mission within a social context. On Sunday the Leo Moon’s performance is a balancing act between playing and escaping, between reckless recreating and acquiescing to the will of the gods that guide us. Our feelings may be wrestling with some stubborn realities.


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