Monday, April 06, 2009

Gibbous and Full Moon

April 6 Monday
Last night the Virgo Moon entered her gibbous phase, a time for reaffirming a commitment to attain some realization of how we live an all around life by successfully expressing as one the varied universes in which we seem to dwell. With a critical assessment we may be able to handle the divisions we see in our souls and find a way to collect those parts into a unified force of self-affirmation. Deep, guarded parts of us may be resisting exposure. Eventually, like food kept too long in a refrigerator, those private components will morph into something that can hardly be unnoticed.

April 7 Tuesday
There’s a strong does of visionary and idealistic thought this morning with the Virgo Moon, and she goes void of course at 10:52 am, MT. For almost eleven hours she’ll sweep out improvement orientation of Virgo. External stimuli may overwhelm us. It’s best to rely on gut reactions that can be less misleading than words. Some of us, however, may lose ourselves in the world of ideas, trying to analyze the unknown. At 9:22 pm, the Moon moves into Libra where emotions can be harmonized and tensions relieved. Exaggerated feelings get deflated by shifts in awareness.

April 8 Wednesday
The Libra Moon brings out patterns in our relationships not only to others but also to various parts or roles we play. On this final day of the gibbous phase we may confront self-images forgotten or unheeded which we can embrace and include in a new stage of living. There is encouragement today to take care of the many ways we express ourselves, to allow the masks we wear and the seemingly incompatible worlds they perform in to come together, feeding new perspectives and possibilities. Rapport is a precious trait of Libra which can produce the grace of seeing the commonality.

April 9 Thursday
We have a full Libra Moon at 8:56 am, MT, addressing our relationship to our spiritual heritage that has come to us through some socialized or contractualized form. That could be a religion, a spiritually-oriented community, or a specific teacher. What does the wisdom in that relationship offer to your outer life? How does it nurture you while interacting in other social climates and stimulate you with a sense of happiness in being connected to other realms? Is sublimation needed to bring those worlds together? The Moon begins to void herself of Libran idealism at 7:46 pm, creating indecisiveness about the real world.

April 10 Friday
The Moon moved into Scorpio early this morning, corresponding to recognition of some desirable fundamental changes in our conditions. Internal churnings signal what’s looming. Readiness requires melding one’s energies into a deeper matrix. Raw honesty may bring the changes needed, while ignoring or minimizing issues invites confusion. Listen to those deep hunches for knowledge that will empower you. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

April 11 Saturday
With this Scorpio Moon, notice what brings up or brings out what you would rather avoid. Fears and doubts about the way some daily habits are structured or constellated can challenge us to make room for something else to pursue. By engaging in such a difficult task we may find the motivational resolve to externalize some internal focus. This can clear out blockages to re-charging and re-orienting our frame of reference. On Sunday the Moon voids herself of Scorpio’s multi-dimensional perceptions from 11:28 am to 12:01 pm, MT, when she moves into freedom-loving Sagittarius.


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