Sunday, July 05, 2009

Full and Disseminating Moon

July 6 Monday
This Capricorn Moon begins the day with thoughts of how satisfying it is to feel the experience of being prepared for an ordeal. It takes the edge off of fear. This morning we may be fully aware of our state of readiness to participate in the cosmic shifts of our times. There’s a nudge to tackle old practices with an eye for what can be salvaged to fit into a new context. Our basic chi, raw energy, may fluctuate between a sense of being able to accomplish big things and intermittent feelings of running on empty. There is no need to overextend oneself; simply maintain an optimism without naivete.

July 7 Tuesday
The Moon was at her fullest at 3:21 am, MT, being slightly eclipsed by the earth which took front stage to spotlight what we have forgotten: primarily what is in the code book for living here on this planet. We need to wake up and nakedly approach life as a unified field, letting the sum total of human wisdom guide us to fresh approaches. There is no easy way. We belong to this planet. The days ahead reveal how we fool around with non essentials, missing the bare facts and thwarting the better part of our nature. Let the emotional realizations of what has been take you beyond the familiar.

July 8 Wednesday
The Capricorn Moon is void of course this morning. No particular goal stands out; but if one does, it’s probably under-valued at this time. The Moon moves into Aquarius at 9:03 am, MT. Our focus may be restored and we may feel emotionally ready to systematically analyze and link the insights pouring in from yesterday’s lunar eclipse. Flashes of astonishing things may spin in our minds. The revelations of the day are like neon signs pointing to possible and even inevitable futures. Take time tonight under the protective Moon shadows to sort out today’s experiences and their deeper meanings.

July 9 Thursday
With this waning full Aquarius Moon we can quickly assess the changes needed to stay on an evolutionary path. Our core patterns can be evident by getting a grasp on all of the data pertaining to an overview of how and why we exert ourselves. Drawing on more profound realities can lead to more creative living. A sense of inner freedom glides through the atmosphere. We can use it to reframe our past behavior so that it supports a vision we can bring into being. The blueprint of our future lies within us. It’s up to us to interpret it.

July 10 Friday
Friday’s Aquarius Moon reflects motherliness. With the Aquarian aloofness we might not recognize her. The super Mom is in our midst but may be invisible. We can see her in the miraculous fulfillment of needs today. She holds our past, our present, and our future, and offers a container for putting it altogether. We’re the container, and we get to select what stays in and what gets added. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

July 11 Saturday
The Moon moved into Pisces last night and entered her disseminating phase at 6:23 am, MT. With attention we can recognize subtle depths of our recent experiences. With Pisces we may want to hide such realizations, but there are greater gains if we show, even slightly, that we get it. Careful thinking can provide a bonanza within the range of our awareness. On Sunday let things emerge step by step as events may lead to an emotional expression of what is understood about what has been and what can be in resolving the tensions of this eclipse season.


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