Sunday, May 10, 2009

Disseminating and Last Quarter Moon

May 11 Monday
With Monday’s Sagittarius Moon, faith, conviction, and courage may fire us up to take a stand on what’s right or wrong with some situation. This may be about how a certain correctness promotes connectivity or about how some behavior does not measure up to the high standards which one associates with such links. Sagittarius holds lofty ideals about the communal bonds that develop when things are shared with others, when there is a sense of unity that bridges all feelings of separateness, of differences. One of those ideals is loyalty. Does it show up for you today?

May 12 Tuesday
The Moon has been voiding herself of carefree Sagittarius all night and moves into deeply thoughtful Capricorn at 7:09 am, MT. Capricorn humbly respects communal values and practices, and during this full phase of the Moon can urge us to exchange isolating behaviors with those that generate more sharing. Anything that encourages the development of new potentials is worth involving oneself with today. This may be a test of one’s trust level. The Moon enters her disseminating phase tonight at 10:23. This is a time to observe openings. They are symbolic opportunities to recognize our spiritual connectivity.

May 13 Wednesday
With Wednesday’s disseminating Capricorn Moon, there is an underlying energy to cultivate one’s empathic capability by putting oneself in others’ shoes, experiencing their situations through one’s feelings which often, but not always, can match the others’ and can demonstrate our spiritual connections. This may move us to renew social ties and give others slack because we have been in similar circumstances. By taking time in the earlier part of the day to think things through before going out on a new course, we might better see the open-endedness of reality and pay closer attention to what is most refreshing.

May 14 Thursday
With this Capricorn Moon we may feel guarded and private about certain important experiences that we’ve gotten under our belt. There’s something erratic about what we have recently realized during certain events that suggests we hold those insights inwardly. It is best to re-think how we expose ourselves especially during those moments when we are inclined to make showy displays of our self concept. The Moon goes void of course at 6:58 pm, MT, for a little over an hour of shoveling off responsible Capricorn. We may feel the need to resign to our obligations during this time before 8:01 pm, when the Moon moves into unpredictable Aquarius.

May 15 Friday
The Aquarius Moon can reflect abrupt inner changes with impulses to upset the existing external order. It is best to assess one’s situation to ascertain which direction to take. We may feel more attracted to follow what our instincts are telling us than our rational mind. Aquarius is future-oriented and often wants to go beyond the natural order of things. There is tension between the need to fix or correct something and the desire to move on. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

May 16 Saturday
With this Aquarius Moon we may feel like challenging conformist ways. The future takes many forms, and they are all accessible to us. The chaotic kaleidoscope of life’s memories collects around us today. We can organize them in patterns that demonstrate how we are progressing. Early Sunday morning the last quarter Moon voids herself of calculating Aquarius, and at 8:17 am, MT, Sunday, she moves into impressionable Pisces ready to encounter crystallized ways of being in need of dissolution and transformation. We can imagine how they will come to life.


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