Sunday, April 26, 2009

Crescent and First Quarter Moon

April 27 Monday
With this Gemini Moon our minds may furtively work at verbalizing overlooked factors that create dilemmas and keep us away from what we truly need to grapple with to make sense of obstacles that suddenly appear and complicate matters. Gemini presents states of easy distractibility even with the most superficial attractions. It takes penetrating observations and a deeply rooted trust in one’s evaluations of data collected for Gemini to come up with reliable solutions to the problems that prevent one from moving forward. Using the artist brain to make unconventional associations may produce some inventive ideas.

April 28 Tuesday
The Gemini Moon provides a stimulating environment. One’s screen of awareness is saturated with new ideas. At 5:33 am, MT, the Moon enters her crescent phase, a time when we may encounter a struggle to stick with one concept or pattern that has attracted our attention and persistently attend to it if we want accessibility to its meaning. The Moon goes void of course at 10:23 am for about six hours of leaving behind the curious mind of Gemini. Absentmindedness may prevail while our imaginations wander. At 4:38 pm, the Moon moves into Cancer, and decisiveness about what to respond to and collaborate with becomes an issue.

April 29 Wednesday
With this Cancer Moon the potential of developing something becomes apparent. But to actualize it calls for a willingness to enter a quagmire that tests one’s discipline and limitations. The sign of Cancer suggests we contain and define what we’re dealing with today. Make it simple so that the images confronted can clearly show the charge of energy that attracts you. This can tell you something about your behavior, allowing you to see it from both an inside and outside view. Such an exercise can allow you to see into the complex structure of your physical, mental and psychological life.

April 30 Thursday
This Cancer Moon presents us with some unsettling moments this morning that can intensify our attention on linking or accessing what we are striving for these days. The Moon goes void of course at 10:45 am, MT, until this evening. While she is draining off the marvels of our minds’ meanderings, we may merge with some of the best images that come to us and surround ourselves with variations of what we long for. The flow of combinations can provide the nurturing needed to blast forward with creative activity when the Moon moves into Leo at 6:56 pm.

May 1 Friday
The Leo Moon zaps us with all sorts of connections like magic threads that bring out patterns that are fun to trace. Everything seems to vibrate with energy inside and out, making it easy to get just about anything done, whether alone or with others. At 2:44 pm, MT, the Moon enters her first quarter phase when we need to exuberantly express what we will give special attention to in the days ahead. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

May 2 Saturday
The brightness of the Leo Moon may help us see things in an entirely new light revealing how we observe conditions. Leo can be blinded by its own brilliance. The best time for noticing nuances is during those times that bridge day and night or when we switch activity from work to rest. The Moon goes void of course at 4:09 pm, MT, until 10:37 pm. As she shifts from one sign to another, clarity can disintegrate and weirdness prevail. With the Moon in Virgo tonight and on Sunday, we can work out some of our patterns that seem to mess up our connections.


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