Sunday, June 21, 2009

New and Crescent Moon

June 22 Monday
This Gemini Moon presents the duality of mourning over the loss of what has been and of rejoicing for the promise of more social interaction. At 6:20 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course, blowing off the remnants of peripatetic Gemini while we feel caught up in a multitude of choices and rituals. At 11:12 am the Moon moves into Cancer, and we may feel like withdrawing into our own crab-like shelter. There is an intense energy afloat that may provoke short fuses and test one’s patience. At 1:35 pm, we have a new Moon offering a bird’s eye view of just where we are and what we may possibly learn.

June 23 Tuesday
With Tuesday’s Cancer Moon the old standards used to notice things may leave one sulking in inertia. It’s time to explore new emotional terrain by tracking feelings on more than one level. Throughout the day stop to register how you feel about what is in your observational range and see if there is an immediate connection to recollections of other events. Things may get stirred up from deep within you that are ripe for being aired out or liberated from long-held notions of one’s reality. You can loosen up emotional crystallizations to enlarge your circle of awareness.

June 24 Wednesday
The Moon is voiding herself of anxiety-prone Cancer this morning. Emotional outpourings may lead to withdrawal. At 10:50 am, MT, the Moon moves into Leo where she releases purposeful activity for self-discovery. Individual outlived themes of how we express ourselves may run rampant. And they may be reinforced by characters, family members or others, from our past who are either not willing to forget them or are not aware of how they keep alive what you have outgrown. Truthful exhibitions of one’s past, contrasted with a currently desired pose, may help wear out old programs.

June 25 Thursday
The Leo Moon sees her image reflected in the sun-drenched world and responds with admiration. We may use the flow of light to try out various modes of expressing worldviews that are eroding as well as those that are gradually being defined these days. There may be an unbearable urge to play around with new ideas to loosen up new information. The Moon enters her crescent phase at 6:30 pm, MT, when the need to decide what to pursue and develop is emphasized. It is best not to take everything at face value but to work hard at filling in the bigger picture.

June 26 Friday
The crescent Leo Moon goes void of course at 6:28 am, MT. Anything goes as she extinguishes the deeply generous warmth of Leo. At 11:47 am, the Moon moves into scrutinizing Virgo. Certain signposts addressing shifting worldviews may be all around, becoming more obvious. With Virgo we may methodically note recurring experiences and patterns that support an emerging perspective unlike others we have had. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

June 27 Saturday
With this Virgo Moon, we may be wavering with an internal dialogue about where we stand in comprehending our world. Pouring out our thoughts for display may be difficult as it may seem like we are out of contact with others. Independence and an urge to move on vie with social interaction. On Sunday morning at 9:26 am, MT, the Moon begins to empty herself of Virgo’s occasionally idiosyncratic reasoning until 3:24 pm when she moves into obliging Libra where investigating the value of one’s perceptions takes on an air of objectivity.


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