Sunday, June 07, 2009

Full and Disseminating Moon

June 8 Monday
This morning’s Sagittarius Moon reminds us that we can take on entrenched views of who we are and place them in a new context that lightens us up. At 7:51 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course for six hours of extinguishing the encouraging flames of Sagittarius. The message for us is not to spread ourselves too wide. At 2:00 pm, the Moon moves into Capricorn, and one’s sense of duty and adherence to personal inclinations may trigger confrontations with status quo power. Relief comes from sharing and building on some common denominator.

June 9 Tuesday
Around this Capricorn Moon are hyper-stimulating thoughts about how to attain a certain state of mind that encourages leaving space for an ever-increasing awareness of emerging novelties in our cultural outlooks. Flashes of insight may conflict with practicality. By tackling these ideas with someone, we may free up deeper, unusual meanings which we can work with. Fusing concepts can lead to a totally different outcome than expected. In this matter, uncompromising aspects of Capricorn may vie with its success-orientation. This struggle can be settled by at least testing some of those thoughts.

June 10 Wednesday
The Capricorn Moon finds security in knowing. And today our minds may be in constant motion, like a nonstop chatterer restless to make public what has been perceived. There is so much to make sense of, and sometimes when things are verbalized, answers and understanding follow. Getting one’s jaw in motion today can bring some surprising revelations about inhibitions to breaking free or not wanting to be a misfit. Resisting innovation leads to decay. The Capricorn appreciation of enduring structures can be used to work for deep and lasting change.

June 11 Thursday
With this Aquarius Moon our ability to interact with others, things, or concepts is tested. Aquarius provides detailed inner knowledge of oneself and grants others equality where commonality prevails. Complex, stressful forces can produce uncertainty. At 3:12 pm, MT, the Moon enters her disseminating phase, a time to put out information that demonstrates a recognition of some newly acquired self-knowledge. This may bring about a fresh vision of self. Yet we may have second thoughts about taking action today. Anything done to promote emerging perspectives is better than nothing.

June 12 Friday
The Aquarius Moon reflects an attitude of knowing everything. This supports dismantling certain conditions that do not serve one’s intentions and replacing the concept of “wrong” with that of “compost pile” for innovation. We’re entering a new phase of existence, and the way is shown. Our journey on this path may be awkward, but all we need to do is be there and experience it. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

June 13 Saturday
We start the weekend with an Aquarius Moon that reflects a feeling of being a special breed capable of dismissing antiquated ways and adopting new cultural dreams. The Moon goes void of course at 3:04 pm, MT, for a half hour of blowing off the inventive ideas of Aquarius. At 3:32 pm, she plunges into the unfathomable depths of Pisces, where we are encouraged to preserve our best traits while materializing what we hope and wish to be. On Sunday what we want and choose may be abundantly obvious. Finding the most appropriate way to take action requires faith.


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