Sunday, May 24, 2009

New and Crescent Moon

May 25 Monday
With this Gemini Moon we have the opportunity to become aware of the multitude of choices available to us in our daily goings and comings. For example, how many alternative routes are there for reaching your destination today? Do you ever use any of them? Which ones offer the most protection and from what? What in your Monday ritual has so much beauty that it makes you pause to gather it all in? The Gemini mobility that offers us so much freedom comes to a halt at 7:18 pm, MT, when the Moon begins to void herself of gypsy-like Gemini until almost an hour after midnight. We may be flooded with fantasies during this time.

May 26 Tuesday
The Moon is in Cancer just barely emerging from her union with the Sun. And in each of us something is pushing out in search of new emotional terrain. There is an inclination toward some unknown state of being but how to risk exploring it while remaining safe is the dilemma. The difficulty of not knowing is frustrating. To counterbalance that, we may find comfort in a ritual of remembering. A collection of objects from the past can recall ventures into what at that time were unfamiliar experiences, such as pictures of trips to strange places, or foreign foods eaten for the first time, or a wedding ritual unlike any other.

May 27 Wednesday
This Cancer Moon requires our total and relentless dedication to bring new elements into our lives -- especially as she enters her crescent phase at 11:54 am, MT. We may be overwhelmed by a shattering of expectations brought about by jolting moments of enlightenment regarding how much effort it takes to cultivate and secure a new behavior. Our attitudes and actions are interwoven and sometimes changing one thread sets off an incongruent rhythm, and then more needs to be done for everything to fit well. At 9:06 pm, MT, the Moon begins to void herself of protective Cancer, leaving us feeling vulnerable.

May 28 Thursday
With this Leo Moon passions run high and want an audience. Leo and the appearance of self-confidence go together. If you don’t feel it, fake it. Leo is a natural performer. There are so many ways this can be done, and so many directions to choose from. What’s most essential here is that you incite yourself to go for what you believe in. But the Leo in you needs some feedback. It may not come from others; it could come from work, from the environment, a book, or any number of encouraging signs. Whatever serves putting things in a new context is worth playing with.

May 29 Friday
This Leo Moon suggests we allow our intuition to guide us in courageously marking out a change in direction, a path that develops some innate creative skill. Openness to fresh, inspirational images that resonate with our hearts can help. Emerging new perspectives may satisfy our spiritual yearnings with exhilarating feelings. Yet the infusion of altruism and high ideals may blind us to some misleading seductive energies. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

May 30 Saturday
The Moon is in Virgo for the weekend, and with Mercury seemingly standing still to go direct, we may find ourselves walking a fine line between different facets of a pending decision. The Moon enters her first quarter phase this evening at 9:22 pm, MT. It’s time for the most active part of the cycle. Our souls are calling for the development of self-reinforcement by being efficient, discriminating, and exemplary in guarding the inner self. Keeping up an attentive stance may be difficult on Sunday as raw energy gets a bit sluggish.


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