Monday, July 13, 2009

Last Quarter and Balsamic Moon

July 13 Monday
The disseminating Pisces Moon is void of course early this morning. Future possibilities may stream through our senses as Pisces drips off the Moon. At 8:40 am, MT, the Moon moves into vivacious Aries. Opportunities abound to delight and entertain others with our personal antics, especially those that offer a panoramic view of how we have survived desperate situations. There is an outpouring of mental poise to feed courage to others by sharing personal challenges and heroic hard work. From such action today life can arise.

July 14 Tuesday
With this Aries Moon, we may have difficulty settling down to any given task, feeling strung out between options. The key is to find an inner rhythm that takes stock of progress gained and opens up to untried possibilities. This takes some slowing down for introspection and evaluation, which the impatient part of Aries would rather not do. Aries sees anything in between present conditions and a goal of moving forward as an obstacle to be overcome. Opening up to inner influences needs to be as desirable a goal as consistent action towards a new direction.

July 15 Wednesday
The Aries Moon moved into her last quarter phase earlier this morning. It’s time to overcome barriers to heading in a new direction. Aries can bring in some fresh air for recognizing what needs to be done. The challenge is not to isolate oneself from relationships that may assist in making wise choices. The Moon goes void of course at 9:08 am, MT, for over seven hours. While the Moon is snuffing out Aries’ pioneering spirit, we may be susceptible to overextending ourselves with futile activity. Focus on your highest ideals, and when the Moon moves into Taurus at 4:30 pm, precious things may loom into view.

July 16 Thursday
The Taurus Moon transforms the simple realizations of the past three weeks into new directions to cultivate. With her, we can throw open the door to apparent possibilities. By consciously being in one’s personal psychic space and attending to the inner influences there, each of us can receive a limitless flow of support which, at this time, can assist us in both seeing our individual differentiated world from the inside out as well as from the vantage point of anyone else in the world. The value and respect we give to our own view can be extended to others, which can allow for an evolutionary unfolding of collective potential.

July 17 Friday
At this time of the last quarter Taurus Moon we may sense that there is much work ahead of us as we attempt to figure out what is wrong. Some of us may be oblivious to a bigger picture and feel somewhat inhibited, believing that we as individuals don’t matter. Trust and faith that we each do matter is imperative. Without our unique fertility there would not be the abundant, lush sweetness life offers. Think about this while the Moon voids herself of sensuous Taurus from 2:48 pm until 8:41 pm, MT, when she moves into diversified Gemini.

July 18 Saturday
With this Gemini Moon we can have a sense of conviction about our place in the bigger scheme of life. The Moon enters her balsamic phase at 3:37 pm, MT. Where having aged into her final days of this cycle, she is ready to impart the wisdom gleamed from it. Her advice to us is to claim our rights and place in the family of humans with all the emotional force we can muster. To do this we may need to leave behind certain social constructs. On Sunday at 4:12 pm, the Moon begins to shed the intellectual ideas of Gemini, and our thinking may get a bit muddled. New images rush in as the Moon moves into Cancer at 9:51 pm, Sunday.


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