Monday, August 31, 2009

Gibbous and Full Moon

August 31 Monday
At 8:06 am, MT, the Capricorn Moon enters her gibbous phase, a period for activities that finish off loose ends. This cycle suggests we retreat into our inner sanctuaries to evaluate our progress in externalizing some potential. By consciously attuning to emotional stirrings or even outbursts this morning we may discover new ways of doing that. At 12:09 pm, the Moon goes void of course, sweeping out the dead weight that Capricorn can accrue. While this is happening into the night, we can examine long-held behaviors for their usefulness. At 9:43 pm, the Moon moves into Aquarius, a sign that breaks up old hang ups!

September 1 Tuesday
With this Aquarius Moon if we focus our senses on our past as well as future, we may perceive some of the paradoxes of our lives as well as what is worth developing further. Being aware of how we have positioned ourselves to be where we are and what our expectations have been, we may find that we have gotten caught up in procedures or in social schemes rather than zealously adapting to how we really would like to be. Today we are given the chance to recognize the difference between our social image and who we really are and to re-integrate the two.

September 2 Wednesday
The Aquarius Moon merges today with a combination of expansive, unbounded, and overextending energies. On the inner planes we might imagine this Moon as n
urturing a world of equals in which it is necessary to be actively in relationship to insure freedom for all. Independence and separation must include openings and bridges for interaction. The Aquarius gibbous Moon wants to provide others with the gift of birthing their individuality. This is both service to humanity and to oneself in attending to the various differences in our personal make-up.

September 3 Thursday
The Aquarius Moon is void of course this morning, finding whatever contraption works to blow off the peculiar interests of Aquarius. We may sweep aside organizational demands and pursue our idiosyncrasies until 9:58 am, MT, when the Moon moves into homogenizing Pisces. And we may feel compelled to fall into step with social expectations either to compete or end up left behind in a confinement of our own making. Gathering our will power to improve a personal situation may foster feelings of pride in how we aspire to a level of mastery.

September 4 Friday
The Pisces Moon is completely full of the Sun’s light at 10:03 am, MT. In this cycle she brings to our awareness an objective look at the ramifications of our individual attempts to express something distinct from familial patterns. Does such creativity bring us an inner strength and control of our behavior? Or do we feel bound by some fate, unable to escape some iron-clad fist that holds us to some intolerable recurrin
g conditions? Polarizing energies of a full Moon are meant to force us to find a harmonious resolution. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

September 5 Saturday
The full Pisces Moon has been void of course since 10:53 am, MT. Her releasing this sign is like pouring large raindrops on us, each of which contains an image of what we are asked to realize at this time. Collect pictures today for a kaleidoscope of a possible future. The Moon moves into pioneering Aries at 8:14 pm. And on Sunday our minds are afire with opinions and strong ideas about how to bring things together and which directions to explore. Mercury goes retrograde Sunday night suggesting we re-consider how we share and mirror ideas and behaviors.


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