Sunday, July 26, 2009

First Quarter and Gibbous Moon

July 27 Monday
The Libra Moon reminds us of the sacred web of inter-relatedness that begins in the womb of the family where we get our first dose of social conditioning. With this Moon we can perceive what is lacking in those early patterns or what prevents us from passing through and beyond their limitations. And we can decide to break free of dead end compliance to beliefs void of meaning, and reflect on pure ideals that haunt the halls of our memories. The feminine embraces us today in a circle of softness and unity that lets us draw to us what we like and love.

July 28 Tuesday
The Moon moved into Scorpio early this morning, supporting us in getting to the essence of emotions triggered by personal history. There’s a chance that all of the super-armor that keeps us from the truth will crumble if we peer at it from every angle to see through it. At 4:00 pm, MT, the Moon enters her first quarter phase. The next three days are a crucial time for bringing previously hidden needs to the fore to create a new sense of emotional identity. Here is the challenge to cut to the golden core of one’s being for changes that bring out brighter possibilities.

July 29 Wednesday
The emotional states triggered by the Scorpio Moon give one a sense of the many lives of the soul. They range from those tormented by demons to wondrous ecstatic states of bliss. Those that fortify one spiritually bring sustenance to survive the blows of fate. Seeking inner guidance today may uncover more past-fixations that block an improved future. Scorpio can burrow in and break these stuck places apart and sift out what is of worth, while discarding the rest. Like Scorpio we can penetrate to the basics and understand ourselves from the inside.

July 30 Thursday
This morning’s Scorpio Moon reflects deep rumblings of change in the collective psyche. She goes void of course at 6:54 am, MT until mid-afternoon, suggesting that we resign ourselves to the mysterious processes of life that bring synchronicities and sudden turnarounds. At 2:10 pm, the Moon moves into truth-seeking Sagittarius. Our investigative and problem-solving skills may be enhanced with a sense of adventure and appreciation of strange occurrences. Today’s Scorpio and Sag energies call for a mixture of magical and logical thinking unless one wants to be in a state of bewilderment.

July 31 Friday
With this Sagittarius Moon we can feel internal changes as we express what we most desire. If we are following our souls’ urges, something special is taking shape. Those extraordinary functions of our minds, such as telepathy, clairvoyance or clairaudience are energized and may be exercised if we have developed supportive structures for them, just as our mental faculties are reinforced by activities like reading and learning new material. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

August 1 Saturday
With this Sagittarius Moon a sense of working for the benefit of all beings prevails. We may be absorbed by our relationships, finding it difficult to act independently. At 3:31 pm, MT, the Moon enters her gibbous phase, a time to engage with those who can help attain a goal. Things inherent in what is being sought begin to coalesce. The Moon voids herself of social yet carefree Sagittarius late tonight, and early Sunday morning she moves into deeply thoughtful Capricorn. It will take Capricorn discipline on Sunday to look after one’s own interests and not spread oneself too wide.


At 2:49 AM, Blogger Abay Barho said...

Wonderful blog post. This is absolute magic from you! I have never seen a more wonderful post than this one. You've really made my day today with this. I hope you keep this up!
Compliance meaning


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