Sunday, July 19, 2009

New and Crescent Moon

July 20 Monday
With this balsamic Cancer Moon we may be tuned into the stresses and strengths of recent odd turns of fate. To generate a feeling of inner wholeness we can resonate to the heart beneath outer behavior while envisioning it as the rhythmic flow of humanity’s common destiny. Cancer can sometimes feel lost and alien in the world and withdraw into a shell. Such a shadowing of self can be unproductive unless the intent is to gather information about gestating images without the distractions of the outer world in order to prepare for what is about to be birthed by tomorrow’s new Moon.

July 21 Tuesday
Accompanying this Cancer Moon is an appreciation of tradition and the heritage of old things along with stirrings of instability. The new Moon occurs at 8:35 pm, MT, visible as a total solar eclipse across parts of south-east Asia. The unseen world of our roots and what has been bequeathed to us through our lineage comes out of the darkness to be dealt with in matters having to do with family, land, or containers for nurturing. Some things need to be let go of and others put on display. After conjoining the Sun, the Moon goes void of course for almost an hour of rinsing off Cancer before moving into wonder-struck Leo at 9:28 pm.

July 22 Wednesday
With this Leo Moon we can easily get caught up in the adventure of self discovery, especially if we are attentive to the coalescence of information about recent crises. The mysteries of life leave clues to their solutions in our hearts. And our hearts like to go public to exhibit their contents. Like Leo the heart enjoys giving, circulating and energizing by sharing good times, even playing the fool with silly antics. A courageous heart risks failure and humiliation in the pursuit of bringing forth the very best in everything. The lion’s heart knows the goodness that follows a storm.

July 23 Thursday
The Leo Moon brings high hopes for emotional and spiritual principles that have been handed down to us, such as, freedom and the pursuit of happiness for everyone. At 2:28 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course, burning out the fiery passions of Leo. Issues may come up as confidence disintegrates. We may feel like we have overestimated ourselves, as some actions seem to be ineffective. Don’t be discouraged. Independence needs to morph into interdependence. New images take shape as the Moon moves into Virgo tonight at 9:23 MT. We may discern elements of truth and deceit in our cultural heritage.

July 24 Friday
Virgo likes to scrutinize given factual choices, and the Virgo Moon senses what is there that is difficult to pinpoint or prove. She is ultra-fussy about what makes her whole and complete and hence investigates emotions and thoughts for what to keep and what to eliminate. With a great deal of effort we can direct our energy to exteriorize precisely what is rotten within us that must go and what is sweet and ripe for sharing. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

July 25 Saturday
The Virgo Moon entered her crescent phase early this morning. At this stage of the cycle we may be magnetically drawn to what has emerged and what is needed next, contrasting and comparing to decide on what kind of action will bring advancement. At 5:14 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course, ridding herself of logical Virgo. Our evening may be unpredictable. At 11:25 pm, the Moon moves into obliging Libra. And Sunday we may awake with high expectations of exploring some new awareness in our lives. With Libra’s aesthetic sense we can clip away whatever does not contribute to our wellbeing.


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