Monday, September 07, 2009

Disseminating and Last Quarter Moon

September 7 Monday
With this Aries Moon our heads may be reeling with an inside view of how strands of how we live out our ambitions are interwoven. For some of us the quests stand out like golden threads. There may be some abysmal dull spots, but they can propel us to do so many amazing new things. On this Labor Day, look for the promise in every encounter; no matter how strange it may seem. The Moon goes void of course at 6:13 pm, MT, spewing out the endless sparks of Aries into the night. During that time we can best pursue an ideal in our minds.

September 8 Tuesday
The Moon is in Taurus, immersed in the power of sensation! At 6:04 am, MT, she enters her disseminating phase when distributing information is optimal. Taurus suggests we trust our instincts and let our understanding of recent revelations flow freely through our natural expressions, without censoring. Each display can be a celebration of recognition for the need to reconstruct one’s reality through exploration. Taurus is attuned to the cycles of nature and indicates that now is a time for telling the truth about how certain situations are affecting you.

September 9 Wednesday
With this Taurus Moon there is a gnawing tension like a feeling of being trapped between a need for relationships and a need for freedom. We need to listen openly to what our heart is saying about both and how when freedom is found while sharing with others, a special internal place feels secure enough to trust the unfamiliar. The personal world of Taurus is modeled on the immense processes of nature. Just as tremendous physical changes can come from a shift in a tectonic plate, so too can we awaken to a greater self by finding a different stance.

September 10 Thursday
As the void of course Moon is shoveling off the slowness and density of Taurus this morning, we might throw off any rose-tinted glasses that favor some useless, burdensome behavior. At 10:17 am, MT, the Moon moves into Gemini, reflecting the interchange between mind and matter. We may find ourselves digging beneath the surface of our thoughts to expose some fossilized ideas buried deep in our subconscious minds. Conforming or not conforming to these concepts may inflame or re-kindle inspirations.

September 11 Friday
With this Gemini Moon, we may feel our minds chunk up into some large-scale views of how we create and live our personal myths. The Moon enters her last quarter phase at 8:16 pm, MT, when we need to assume the onus of responsibility for our behaviors. There are so many choices. Some of them lead to the same destination; others don’t. Are we helping ourselves to options that overcome barriers to improving our existence? Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

September 12 Saturday
The Gemini Moon has been void of course since early morning, sending out unclear messages, which we also may be doing. At 2:20 pm, MT, the Moon moves into Cancer, a sign that represents the distinctive subjective parts of who we are. We may be confronted with previously hidden needs seeking attention. Notice how you get in touch with your needs and they need to be expressed. On Sunday we may feel singled out and on our own. It may be best to heed personal impulses and dare to pursue whatever adventure lures you.


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