Sunday, June 06, 2010

Balsamic and New Moon

June 7 Monday
With this Aries Moon our competitive edge gets dulled a bit, perhaps because we’re taking on more than we can handle. Or clumsiness settles in due to cockiness or lack of experience. Self-realizations point to changing attitudes. Aries’ impulsiveness can lead to rash decisions. A long leash may be handy where space can be found to vent and experiment, but the curtailment of being tethered prevents troublesome consequences. The Aries Moon is adept as a loner. Today, however, the company of a circle of like-minded persons can stimulate pregnant ideas that often come during the last quarter phase.

June 8 Tuesday
Vivid imaginary adventures abound this morning, especially with the Moon going void of course at 7:13 am, MT. While the Moon shakes off peripatetic Aries, our minds shoot off in multiple directions. At 9:41 am, the Moon moves into down-to-earth Taurus, and at 3:13 pm, enters her balsamic phase. The next three and half days are best for gathering together our experiences of gains and tokens that have generated many of our intimate sharing moments, those that often live on in our conscious memory. These recollections can brew and ferment in our minds and produce a vision of a new fusion of social norms.

June 9 Wednesday
With this Taurus Moon our minds may get adorned with romantic meanderings of the past in various social milieus. Actually the day is abloom with mixed messages caught up in a battle between fantasy and reality. There may be a showdown between our belief-based assumptions and our practical, daily procedural thinking. We may feel a need to justify our behavior because of our perceptions of the human condition. We may get overworked and exhausted because we are so stimulated by spiritual motives. Taurus can be driven by obsessive desires. When these are pursued, often there comes a realization that what was sought was present all the time.

June 10 Thursday
This Taurus Moon brings glimpses of how we mix our memories with our imaginations, or of how recollections trigger new envisioning. The earthy wisdom of Taurus may dictate responsibility to one’s chores, but there are vying contradictory inclinations to leave the daily work burdens and find seclusion. This is especially true while the Moon is voiding herself of insistent Taurus from 1:50 to 4:11 pm, MT. After those two and a half hours she moves into indiscriminate Gemini, and we may become even more fascinated with the facility of our minds at coming up with novel, free-spirited possibilities.

June 11 Friday
The balsamic Gemini Moon is hidden from our view, even at night. Think of her as having dived deep inside to commune with some new impulse about to be birthed. Her reality is not our earth-based, physical world but that of the unconscious realms. For us, this is like free-floating in the air in the pitch darkness of a cloud-cloaked night with no heavenly or man-made lights. We may feel anxious, disoriented, and distrustful until we seek and find another reality. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

June 12 Saturday
The New Moon occurred at 5:15 am, MT. She initiated a cycle of becoming more aware of how we engage in those interpersonal moments of celebrating our reality. Do we escape into our personal fantasy world or are we sensitive to those around us and engage with them in ways that make our imaginations reality? At 5:35 pm, the Moon spends a little over two hours voiding herself of Gemini’s interchange between the outer material world and the mental realm. At 7:50 pm, she moves into the highly individualistic and self-contained space of Cancer for the rest of the weekend, giving us a personal view of the converging forces and collective challenges we’ll encounter during this cycle.


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