Sunday, July 11, 2010

Crescent and First Quarter Moon

July 12 Monday
The new Moon is dripping off the last puddle of overly-giving Cancer until 6:53 am, MT, when she moves into the Sun-warming sign of Leo. Many of us may be enthused to leap into action that promises to change much of how we recharge ourselves. Everywhere we turn information comes at us like a spotlight or a blinking star. Gather today’s messages. Some may come in the words of a colleague; others from the media, and a few from some cosmic beings who seem to dwell in unexpected places. Play with the comments you’ve collected like you would with a jigsaw puzzle.

July 13 Tuesday
This Leo Moon seems to be listening to a siren’s song. What new impulse is hard to resist? Pursuing some enchantment today may also lead to encounters with some fated danger. Dire circumstances may be blessings in disguise. Think of them as an exercise which improves your skills in playing the game of life. Leo is a sign that brings out the superman or woman in us. “Bring it on” is its battle-cry. This is an urge to develop a self-consciousness of how one creates and to strengthen the capacity to continuously express oneself in ever-changing ways. The Leo part of you is your greatest fan. Keep wowing it!

July 14 Wednesday
The Moon is blowing out the last sparks of bombastic Leo until 7:15 am, MT, when she moves into the critiquing range of Virgo. Areas of disharmony become discernable along with what requires reforming. Working out the differences so that the contrasts recede can overcome limitations. Truths previously hidden from us become palpable, stirring us to test our own abilities at swaying ourselves towards a greater independence. At 7:22 pm, the Moon enters her crescent phase, a time for strong determination to pursue some impulse that has been tapping at us since last Sunday.

July 15 Thursday
With this Virgo crescent Moon we are urged to demonstrate our talent at circulating publicly as well as privately while freely exchanging ideas and feelings. The Virgo crescent Moon calls forth freshness in our experiences as if learning anew from the Mother goddess. A certain wildness comes with youthfulness. Virgo is skillful at domesticating that spirit, of bringing it home to itself. This is a delicate balancing act between fear of reprisal and delight in an innate spirit. Many scenarios come to mind and dwelling on them can become a bit chaotic. Having fun and feeling secure with it can be today’s best guide.

July 16 Friday
At 7:46 am, MT, the Moon sweeps out the remaining remnants of dutiful Virgo and moves into coordinating Libra at 8:24 am. Usually Libra performs in a calm, evenly-paced manner, but today’s rhythm is haphazard. We may feel trapped by too many commitments and come to know the outer limits of our ability to collaborate during these stressful times. Libra, however, can give us an eye or feel for things as they could be ideally. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

July 17 Saturday
With this Libra Moon we may sense how we can best be responsive to demands. Libra is good at comparing and assessing matters and then taking appropriate action. On Sunday at 4:11 am, MT, the Moon moves into her first quarter phase. At this point in the cycle a clear choice of what direction to pursue is necessary if one is to develop the impulses unleashed by last Sunday’s solar eclipse. Such a decision involves knowing when to step forward and when to retreat. This may call for some magician-like changes. The Moon moves into transformative Scorpio at 11:42 am, Sunday.


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