Sunday, June 06, 2010

Gibbous and Full Moon

June 21 Monday
The Sun appeared to stand still at 5:28 am, MT, as it entered the sign of Cancer, and the Moon moved into Scorpio at 6:14 am. Entering either of these two water signs can be like going into a whole new reality. And on this solstice it may feel like the very best in one’s surroundings is needed to face an amassing of pressures for collective change. Catching moments to feed all the loveliness in our lives can secure a holy space for what we most care about. This could be a thoughtful comment to an acquaintance or sharing a personal liberating event with someone special or even those common things that join us altogether.

June 22 Tuesday
The Scorpio Moon enters her gibbous phase at 11:02 am, MT. We are at the stage in a cycle where it is best to put all of our strength, our accumulated energy, into doing what seems right to attain some fulfillment, enlightenment, or realization. Such achievement can happen over the next three days if we follow our impulses about what brings us most fully into experiencing the real world. In this cycle that is especially true regarding the experience of being in communion with the spirit within, with our greater self to completely participate in creating our reality. Scorpio reveals the depths of our true worth.

June 23 Wednesday
We may feel withdrawn with this Scorpio Moon that goes void of course at 9:32 am, MT. That’s when she unplugs the drain and lets enriching Scorpio flow off of her. During the next three hours an attitude of letting go can help us see a situation anew. At 12:10 pm, the Moon moves into freely playful and gregarious Sagittarius. New insights emerge about experiencing life more fully. They provide thoughts about strategic movements within the context of how one is in social settings. And they also suggest adjustments for aligning emotionally to the fellowship encountered.

June 24 Thursday
This morning we may feeling like having a little fun with this Sagittarius Moon, especially if it involves expressing some hidden sentiments that bring about socially exchanging some important information quite thoroughly. Fun is imperative today, as there is some rather heavy negativity that can be just downright depressing. To keep a joyful outlook, look at experiences, even the dull ones, as data that fill in the mosaic of your life. Much inspiration is available to put a flair into social encounters and to see how things both boring and uplifting merge into some fuller existence.

June 25 Friday
With today’s Sagittarius Moon we may feel a need to justify some spiritual motivation to restructure the way in which we are participating in some group experience. Overextending oneself often leads to exhaustion, and there may be a lot of that going around. The Moon goes void of course at 5:33 pm, MT, snuffing out the hopeful, enthusiastic spirit of Sagittarius. For the next three hours an easy-going stance is beneficial. At 8:21 pm, the Moon moves into responsible Capricorn. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

June 26 Saturday
We had a full Capricorn Moon at 5:30 MT, this morning. Emotions run deep and intense with this lunar eclipse, foreshadowing issues of charm and enjoyment coming up with the Solar eclipse in two weeks. This eclipse shows the darkness around situations where the individual takes on larger collective forces. And in this cycle reveals the restrictions inherent in our social activities and how we respond to them. Sunday’s revelations focus on social problems and how you resolve them. Does your participation bring pleasure or trigger awkwardness? How warm and thrilling is life in the presence of others?


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