Sunday, June 06, 2010

Crescent and First Quarter Moon

June 14 Monday
Today’s Cancer Moon portrays subdued feelings. Understanding how one may have restricted a full, blown-up experience of living is sometimes a hard pill to swallow, and ingesting such insights is just another opportunity to have a complete experience. But reading and thinking about it is not the same as being totally in it. The Moon goes void of course at 6:38 pm, MT, rinsing off the self-containment of Cancer for over three hours. During this time we can be extremely receptive to the often subtle impulses coming from our subconscious mind. Listen for ways in which you block fully participating in life and or for ways to nurture complete engagement.

June 15 Tuesday
The Leo Moon brings celebratory news about unfamiliar arenas to explore. Excitement can help us get over any hesitation that the crescent Moon generates. The Moon enters that phase at 1:48 pm. Now it takes some effort to seize those fleeting moments aglow with promise yet not fully developed that can lead to playing in a bigger sandbox. The Leo Moon provides some assistance. Leo needs to be surrounded by the whole world. Leo can be gregarious, enjoying a gathering of a broad spectrum of people. On the down side, Leo rarely sees anything lacking in her or himself.

June 16 Wednesday
With this Leo Moon it seems like there are many tantalizing opportunities to participate in, heart and soul. Leo likes joining in, but also likes to impose his vision of reality on the scene instead of accepting the situation for what it is and being with it. Instead of seizing the moment to be clearly aware of its pristine essence, Leo’s first inclination is to layer it with his own image in lieu of waiting for it to coalesce, missing its central flame. Can the part of us that is represented by Leo recognize when we are out of our element and need to surrender to an unknown way of being?

June 17 Thursday
The Virgo Moon has the concentration power needed at this time to stay focused on the critical attributes of experiencing the surrounding environment. By drawing upon the powers of all of our senses at any point in a chosen activity, we might better discern the unique perspective that participation offers over just merely observing. Our emotions can be excited by seeing life as an exercise in gathering sensations. A challenge worth succeeding at is to bounce one’s perceptions of some experience off another person today. Such a discussion may bring out some interconnective factors.

June 18 Friday
With this Virgo Moon it is best to take all the information we have methodically gathered about our experiences, accepting and rejecting elements according to our preferences and decide what we are going to work on over the next week regarding our social participation. As the day wanes, some structure for proceeding with such activity may emerge. If we don’t decide on a course of action, something may be marginalized. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

June 19 Saturday
Late last night the Virgo Moon entered her first quarter phase, deciding that it’s time to assume one’s personal power and take control of encountering the real world free of past encumbrances. Early this morning the Moon moved into Libra with high hopes of making some changes for the better. For the rest of the weekend there are good chances of being exposed to pleasing social rituals and being able to easily absorb the messages being shared. There may, moreover, be some spacey vibes making it difficult to sense what is real. And Libra can be easily duped.


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