Sunday, March 02, 2014

Crescent and First Quarter Moon

Monday March 3 With this Aries Moon there are strong urges to intimately share the roots of one’s spiritual journey with those who seem to be attracted to similar sources of inspiration. Exploring an overview of the paths others have taken for illumination provides an extensive human effort to probe the depths of realms beyond the physical. One revealing way to study this metaphysical material is to let its knowledge emerge step by step. Questions can be answered in strange ways today. By simply stating aloud whatever is puzzling about this information with the intention of receiving answers when the timing is right, one can enter a gateway to the solutions. There’s a portal to magical, non-linear time and situations, which one can chose to enter today. Tuesday March 4 This morning’s Aries Moon may find some of us in a state of irritability. Personal needs clash with group alliances. It’s a good time to ask or pray for higher assistance. At 10:31 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course for almost two hours of snuffing out the perkiness of Aries. During this time it could be easier to make sacrifices for the greater good. A minute after this jettisoning-of-a-sign stage begins, the Moon enters her crescent phase. From this time until Saturday, it’s best to make room in one’s daily schedule to identify one’s spiritual path and its value. At 12:12 pm, the Moon moves into the calmness of Taurus. With self-confidence we can flow through the rest of the day motivated by inspirations. Wednesday March 5 With this Taurus Moon we can be keenly aware of traits we share with our friends, both the worthwhile ones and those we could do without. Much insight is gained by sharing cultural influences which contributed to one’s spiritual path. The more truthful and vulnerable we are in doing this, the more likely we are to draw certain people into a common journey. With Venus entering Aquarius this afternoon, it can be easier to discern the qualities in friends which can help us move closer to enlightenment. Many opportunities to have an impact in the lives of others show up, as we get in the flow of a spiritual quest. Revelations pop into mind, and we can make use of them by shifting some current conditions. Thursday March 6 This Taurus Moon brings a sense of present limitations as she goes void of course at 6:55 am, MT, until this evening. While she is sweeping off the earthly wisdom of Taurus, it’s worthwhile to think about just how much we appreciate support which comes to us through hunches, a sixth sense, imagination, or divine intervention. Sometimes, if we have overindulged in the area of our lives related to Taurus, we can be insensitive to these inner impulses. Our perceptions can be dulled. Being aware of preferences and accepting them for what they are, can be a starting point for setting realistic goals. At 7:37 pm, the Moon moves into the psychological curiosity of peer-conscious Gemini. Friday March 7 The energetic persistence of this Gemini Moon can take our spiritual aspirations to another level, seeking outer reaches of our experience. The forward-looking, always on the move Gemini in us can act a bit eccentric today, concerned with pursuing sudden revelations. Odd synchronous connections occur, bringing together whomever or whatever is needed to commit to travelling the ancient yet seemingly new road to the illumination of our consciousness. Gemini encourages new endeavors to broaden one’s knowledge. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend March 8 and 9 The Gemini Moon entered her first quarter phase early this morning. It’s time to express exuberantly how one follows intuition to seek alignment with higher wisdom. This calls for companions who share a common perspective which draws one deeper within. Others can keep us motivated to stay on this path. The Moon voids herself of agile Gemini during the late hours of the night, and at 7:33 am, MT, Sunday, moves into feeling-motivated Cancer. People we consider “family” can arouse hidden capabilities in us, teasing us to develop special abilities. Cancer brings a natural support for growth, and our psychological and spiritual growth can be our most excellent achievement.


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