Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Full and Disseminating Moon

April 30 Monday
With this Libra Moon we may be able to quickly evaluate how and what we are sharing that has to do with our expectations. Libra highlights diplomacy, sociability, and affability. This sounds nice yet can pollute our conduct by providing circumstances in which we can easily behave in an excessively generous manner that is not true to our intentions, producing a trail of deception. So perform according to your own dictates, not those that you assume of others. An overall heated rebelliousness can be generated if each of us is not loyal to our personal views.

May 1 Tuesday
The Moon moved into Scorpio early this morning, drawing us into our shared experiences of darkness, the unknown, the mysterious. Somehow we can be encouraged by a persistent awareness that, eventually, alienating patterns destroy themselves, that our passion to have our say and make an impact will be satisfied in communion with others. Seek social participation. It will be by engaging socially that we each discover our place and how our views fit with others.

May 2 Wednesday
The Scorpio Moon was at her fullest at 4:09 am, MDT, starting the process of revealing the complexities of social and cultural assumptions and how each of us evaluates them. Notice which beliefs are weak or strong for you. Do you adhere to a personal code of behavior in the face of differing standards displayed by others? And do you responsibly attune to your own beliefs while allowing others space to follow theirs? The Moon will be void of course tomorrow, stressing the importance of following your inner knowing, your conscience.

May 3 Thursday
We have a void of course Moon in Scorpio until late this afternoon. While the Moon drains herself of Scorpio, there is a need for private inner reflection. Avoid intrusive behavior by probing your own thoughts and beliefs and leaving others to theirs. Sharing may lead to closed-mindedness or verbal-coercion, swinging from silence to outspokenness. At 4:48 pm, MDT, the Moon moves into Sagittarius, providing favorably promising perspectives on our differing beliefs.

May 4 Friday
We get drawn into the weekend with a Sagittarius Moon’s playful and adventurous disposition. With this, is a strong feeling of a need for change that can be expressed by some non-conformist’s activity. Pursue your own direction today, even if it means heading into personally uncharted territory. Give yourself free reign to follow your own guideposts. And stay open! Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at ksfr.org from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MDT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

May 5 Saturday
The Sagittarius Moon helps us make room for the ideals behind our assumptions and that of others. This Moon wants to protect everyone’s interests by zooming out to encourage us to tolerate differing beliefs to stretch our boundaries. Early Sunday morning the Moon moves into Capricorn and enters her disseminating phase. It’s time to do something that demonstrates what you’ve realized in this lunation cycle about your behavior regarding what you truly believe.


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