Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Disseminating and Last Quarter Moon

June 23 Monday
The Aquarius Moon urges us to update our connectivity, to change the way we relate so that it reflects a mentality of equals. This can bring about an equilibrium that can also be applied to the relationship of your inner self to your outer self. At 1:04 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course for a half hour of blowing out the aquarian concepts of fraternity and equality. This calls for openness to spirit buddies. At 1:32 pm the Moon moves into Pisces and finds comfort in the company of like-minded idealists. By moving above our normal concerns, we may find more similarities than differences in the places and people we visit today.

June 24 Tuesday
With Tuesday’s Pisces Moon there is an urge to engage in what may be considered the risky business of fully expressing one’s feelings about some recent experience. This is not an impulse to just messily release what is felt. There is a need to hear what others are perceiving as well, so that comparisons can be made, which can serve as learning experiences inspiring one’s decisions about future directions. An emotional awareness of motivations adds depth and guidance as to which prescribed cultural standards one wishes to adhere or leave behind.

June 25 Wednesday
The Pisces Moon reflects an awakening process to long built-up emotions having to do with such things as bruised egos, revenge, vanity, and excessive loyalty to one’s point of view. Obsessions may erupt into conscious view. Emotional objectivity is a must if we want to enliven changes that seem inevitable today. There are many alternatives. The choice made with or without awareness binds one to a matrix of life experiences that can be a deeper imprisoning deception or a broader liberating vision. From 8:16 pm to 8:49 pm, MT, the voiding Moon rids herself of Pisces and then enters self-asserting Aries.

June 26 Thursday
The Aries Moon enters her last quarter phase at 6:10 am, MT. There may be a spontaneous combustion of comprehension as to the value and meaning of being on the same wavelength with another or with one’s inner self. This can be direct and straight on, firing up our enthusiasm to cultivate a natural support for a connection. This may take some hard action to hold together the common threads that bring forth the heartfelt responses. We can enliven the presence of the other by expressing our feelings with conviction. With the help of Uranus going retrograde today, emotions can erupt like a shattered dam.

June 27 Friday
With this Aries Moon our heads may burst with a surge of magical power that lights up our capacity to get passed some hurdles. Leaving former restrictive patterns behind and moving forward as if riding the wind seems as easy as striking a match. Aries can often be a loner, but today there is a sense of others backing us up as a team often does. By gathering all the support of a group, we can courageously shift our awareness away from antiquated habits to address new possibilities. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at ksfr.org from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

June 28 Saturday
With this weekend’s Taurus Moon we may feel somewhat sluggish, as if someone or something is holding us down. If that is the case, we might be stuck with old attachments. To change the mood using Taurean instincts, try dramatizing some personally foreign behavior that sheds what is too heavily upon you. On Sunday at 3:31 pm, MT, the Moon enters her balsamic phase. During that stage it is easier to let no longer needed habits ooze away. It is time to look at one’s inner richness with highly attuned senses for what is ripe and ready to parade out in the open in one’s daily life.


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