Monday, June 16, 2008

Full and Disseminating Moon

June 16 Monday
With Monday’s Sagittarius Moon we may be tested on our understanding of the hard facts of how we have defined our behavior lately. If our view is comprehensive, we may be able to perceive the relatedness of various activities and conversations. With the wide-angle lens of Sagittarius, taking note of automatic thought responses to conflicts offers valuable insight into what either unites you in a resonance of agreement or into what separates you into the dissonance of adversity. Sagittarius can maneuver formalities in a spirit of camaraderie, but notices anomalies.

June 17 Tuesday
The high-spirited Sagittarius Moon stirs up gutsy participation in situations that can put oneself in the center of attention. This can have a big impact on oneself and leave one feeling spiritually restless, wanting to enter a new phase that promises a better life. This may call for laying oneself open to an intimacy that transforms self-love or love of another. The drama of emotional vulnerability may reveal many hidden things. Yet stirring up feelings and inflating them may impose false impressions of your testimony on the state of significant relationships.

June 18 Wednesday
This morning’s Sagittarius Moon extends the horizon so that our inner vision includes a view of the past expanding into the future. All angles seem implicitly united. At 11:30 am MT, the Moon enters her full phase, presenting an idealized conception of some aspect of our everyday life. If you have actively been attending to the theme of inner rapport during this cycle, you may find that you are inwardly blown wide open with a strong impulse to begin anew on a path of interconnectivity. This may involve freeing oneself from past behaviors through self-forgiveness and cleaning the slate with others so that relationships become easier to maintain.

June 19 Thursday
The Capricorn Moon brings a sense of self-sufficiency. And with Mercury standing still at 8:31 am, MT, to change direction and go direct, today we may find ourselves making adjustments, especially those that connect our thoughts with our feelings. Articulating emotional states, even if only to oneself, can lead to deeper understanding. Concentration on one’s inner fire, on what thrills from the inside outward, may lead to some of the best performances of life. It doesn’t matter if they are behind the scenes, witnessed only by you. A vibrant inner spirit ripples out and touches others in many unseen ways.

June 20 Friday
Friday’s Capricorn Moon reflects a willingness to go beyond ordinary expectations. And when she goes void of course at 1:02 pm, MT, for the rest of the day, it may be difficult to say no. Why not try something new, especially when it involves significant connections while the Moon is shredding herself of Capricorn’s sense of responsibility. At 5:59 pm, the Sun stands still at the beginning of Cancer. Enjoy the light and warmth on this summer solstice evening! Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

June 21 Saturday
The moon moved into Aquarius early this morning, and many unusual events may be constellating that give us a sense of how we get on the same wavelength with our inner Self or with special friends. Or we may awaken to how we undermine such connections and what we might do to get through to them. With other planetary energies strong today, we may feel like we’re going nowhere unless we dive into socializing mode. On Sunday at 12:02 pm, MT, the Moon enters her disseminating phase. It’s time to expose our feelings without getting too vulnerable, to recognize the completeness within and come to an understanding of how our personal truth gets projected onto others.


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