Monday, July 28, 2008

Balsamic and New Moon

July 28 Monday
Through the lens of Monday’s Gemini Moon, we may perceive the environment as chaotic and unpredictable. Agitation and defensiveness prevail as brutally frank comments erupt. Energy levels seem uneven. Connections appear to be tenuous as we leave the nest of our comfort zone or attempt to relieve ourselves of pent-up heavy emotions. Yet Gemini can be masterful at picking up on whatever is coming through intuitively and expressing what is, surprising us with some hidden truth that helps us laugh at our troubles. Then the internal pressure valve is loosened, releasing and revealing something else.

July 29 Tuesday
Last night at 9:05, MT, the Gemini Moon entered her balsamic phase, bringing up practically everything to brew up a new way. In this cycle, it’s time to find the optimal combination of caregiver and child within oneself so that one can move forward getting the desired results. There needs to be a clear shift from the immediate past to envisioning the immediate future. The Moon goes void of course at 9:25 am for almost two hours of inspirational free-association. At 11:12 am, she enters the waters of Cancer, awakening us to directions that can make our hearts sing.

July 30 Wednesday
The Cancer Moon gathers much awareness to the obligations of caretaking and compensating for inner or outer deficiencies. As a water sign Cancer follows the path of least resistan
ce. So it is best to fortify recent resolutions. Considering new habits or attitudes as working oneself out of the spell of repetitive behavior may help to break away old forms. As we are nearing a new Moon, a solar eclipse, we may feel that it is easier not to hold on to the same old patterns. There is openness to what is hidden, yet its darkness may be menacing. Accompanying this may be a fascination with what the next lesson presents.

July 31 Thursday
The Cancer Moon is void of course all morning, pouring out the comforting and uplifting waters of Cancer. This period often has a feeling of uncertainty afloat with unconscious intimations. This is not a good time to make decisions. There can be emotional confusion. Waiting until after 12:22 pm, MT, can be beneficial, as then the Moon moves into the impassioned world of Leo, creating an ambiance of excitement that feeds our imaginations. Our adeptness at fulfilling daily tasks may be energized, and we can complete the day with a sunny disposition.

August 1 Friday
The new Moon in Leo occurred at 4:13 am, MT. It was a solar eclipse awakening some deep, dark memories in our subconscious mind about how we coalesce the eternal spiritual forms of our inner life with our external reality. This eclipse season is about unveiling our personal wholeness and releasing whatever obstructs that process. We need to find ways to
express the essence of who we are and re-dedicate ourselves to letting that overflow into our ordinary lives.

August 2 Saturday
The Leo Moon is void of course until 2:59 pm, MT, when she moves into the richly ripe world of Virgo. The spirit of yesterday’s new Moon may begin to take some form, exteriorizing itself. While going about the pragmatic Saturday tasks, we may sense a shadow of some inner thoughts nudging at us. By hanging out with those thoughts, maybe even tossing them around with someone, we may find an opening to unmask more of who we are. This can bring much comfort and joy on Sunday. Especially if we allow ourselves not to lean back on our past but to springboard into renewing the gift of ourselves in service to others.


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