Monday, July 21, 2008

Disseminating and Last Quarter Moon

July 21 Monday
The Pisces Moon triggers a romantic mystique in which we may want to veil ourselves from the bustle of the external world. This mood is more personal and inwardly focused. A possible scenario may be romancing the inner caregiver to create an ideal space for the inner child to display her innate gifts, talents, and unique form of expression. Through collaboration with these archetypes as they show up in our lives, we can receive some clarity about how we direct parts of our inner selves and the emotional forces they set off within us. If there is tension, find a way to work it out.

July 22 Tuesday
Last night at 10:33 pm, MT, the Pisces Moon entered her disseminating phase, a period of demonstrating the recognition of some lesson or dynamic. In this cycle, the Pisces Moon suggests a union of our inner caregiver and child based on spiritual principles and wisdom. The child, well nurtured by one who cares enough to work out tensions between the two, can fulfill personal expectations based on the spiritual legacy inherited. Jolting energy can awaken us more fully, today, to the hidden life of our souls if we take the time to contemplate on the many wild and scattered thoughts erupting.

July 23 Wednesday
The Moon moved into Aries early this morning, and with the Sun in Leo since yesterday, we may feel well-fueled to demonstrate some perception of our state of being. =2
0If we pursue such a path, we may find ourselves over-dramatizing a situation. That, however, may serve in attracting what is needed to weave newly discovered internal dynamics into an integrative framework of who we are. It is important to make some concrete adjustments that support a journey forward, moving straight on without detouring backwards. Aries can be bold and tough in this regard.

July 24 Thursday
With this Aries Moon the challenge is to gather up the spirit of this lunation, that of keeping alive the journey of the inner child, and exert ourselves to free up a physical expression of that archetype. We can let in some fresh, invigorating air in a variety of ways. Broadening our experiences leads to wiser perspectives, strengthening spiritual unity. Such a process brings greater understanding of our individual roles in social rituals and celebrations. The individual feistiness that accompanies Aries’ reputation shines forth within the group spirit.

July 25 Friday
The Aries Moon is void of course from 5:30 am to 7:14 am, MT, making it awkward to fend for oneself while the Moon smothers Aries’ sparks of energy. At 7:14, the Moon moves into the search-for-meaning realm of Taurus. And at 12:42 pm, she enters her last quarter phase when the meaning and value of this cycle can be fully grasped. We are asked to juxtapose our inner and outer lives and re-orient them in such a way that their translation into a seamless life is simple and hopeful. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

July 26 Saturday
The Taurus Moon calls for persistent effort to assert an integrated, authentic image of oneself. Such an outward expression carries tremendous power to make big things happen. This could be a huge a-ha moment about one’s self-concept that kicks one into activity that bolsters self-worth. The Moon voids herself of Taurus after midnight, and Sunday morning at 9:55, MT, she moves into Gemini, raising issues about what kinds of dramatic conflicts are coming with the solar eclipse next Friday. Time-consuming adjustments may be needed Sunday afternoon.


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