Monday, July 07, 2008

Crescent and First Quarter Moon

July 7 Monday
The crescent Virgo Moon assists us in tapping into our instinctual nature and exploring ways in which it can enhance how we identify ourselves. If we think about how babies connect with animals and other babies, we may re-learn something about our inner nature. Making associations can help us understand our inner child and how she or he makes her or his presence known. There may be ideas suddenly flashing in our minds, messages full of emotional appeals that make little sense yet encourage us to trust our guts, to follow intuition without dismissing logic.

July 8 Tuesday
The Virgo Moon is faithful to ritualistic commitments as she goes void of course at 10:21 am, MT, for slightly over an hour. At 11:31 am, she moves into Libra, sharing with us how to give form to some inner ideal. To do this we need to be in sync with our feelings and intuition, respecting the connection by pursuing what is dictated. This may involve organizing various factors and sorting out feelings with a sense of conviction. Today a super-sensitivity to every attitude and action may prevail. Keeping a balance between inward and outward attention can help one glide through it all.

July 9 Wednesday
With this Libra Moon situations may arise that point out how the archetypes of caregiver and of inner child interact. This dynamic may be internal, or it may be dramatized in external relationships. Clues may be scenes in which fear surfaces, or in which abusive, offensive behavior is quickly dismissed with some pleasant, passive form of forgiveness, like, “It was nothing.” Denial is a signal that all is not harmonious. Coming to peace with limitations, and baring the truth with all its sordid feelings, is a way to secure a serene and loving relationship between these two archetypes.

July 10 Thursday
Last night at 10:35 pm, MT, the Libra Moon entered her first quarter phase. It’s time to develop what we most want to flourish during this lunation. Letting the inner rascal out to have an open-ended field day may reveal what has been hidden to one’s consciousness. Playing things out openly and unabashedly may attract the resources to change some underlying patterns. We may discover the level of our capacity to concentrate on work or play. Issues around self-assertion and self-denial may surface. The Moon enters a short period of voiding, blowing out, the sensibilities of Libra at 8:13 pm, and at 9:35 pm, she moves into the underworld of Scorpio.

July 11 Friday
With this Scorpio Moon, we may find ourselves probing deeper into the matrix of our being. This takes disciplined, harnessed energy. There is much to discover, which can overwhelm and depress, leaving one oblivious to what’s really happening. Choose a one-pointed direction and get excited about it. Otherwise, conflicts can push one away from engaging in any significant activity today. Consider what is chosen as a treasure hunt or pilgrimage. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

July 12 Saturday
With Saturday’s Scorpio Moon, we may break through many barriers that have been preventing us from expressing full-on the feelings of our inner child or of our inner caretaker. Unexpected breakthroughs may produce a flash flood of emotions. The implications of these feelings may lead to a wiser self-knowing. An ideal time for cleaning the slate of antiquated self-images is while the Moon is voiding, washing off, Scorpio from 9:06 pm, MT, until Sunday morning. At 9:50 am, Sunday, she enters Sagittarius, wherein she can attract larger forces to enhance social interactions.


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