Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Crescent and First Quarter Moon

August 4 Monday
With this Virgo Moon we are prompted to initiate ritualistic preparations for an inward journey to take charge of how we rejuvenate ourselves. The stakes seem high, and any action is better than none. The Moon enters her crescent phase at 4:36 pm, MT, when much effort is needed to keep moving forward and not get stuck in the ruts of the past. If our expectations are based on what we have already experienced, then we should not be surprised if nothing new occurs. If we eliminate self-reinforcing and self-perpetuating assumptions of our familiar self, we just might stir up a new sense of who we are.

August 5 Tuesday
The Moon is in Libra presenting us with choices. We can share the plethora of masks we parade through life wearing, and we can create transparent ones that harness our aliveness in ways heretofore not displayed, an attempt to reveal a whole new self. We may need to draw on an accumulation of small changes made throughout this present year. Even though it may be a struggle to present such a new image, it is testimony to a resolve for progress. Compassion for one’s efforts can cheer one up in spite of any shortcomings or deficiencies that seem confining or restrictive.

August 6 Wednesday
With Wednesday’s Libra Moon we may feel compelled to find a balance between asserting our individuality and fitting into a group, between being practical an
d abandoning everything for an ideal, and/or between following our rational mind and our emotional gut. We are called to open to every possibility, to take it all in through our presence and participation. With a versatile stance, we can make adjustments that bring us into rapport with seemingly opposing forces in our lives. The crescent Moon represents our struggles to move beyond the familiarity of the past, and the Libra Moon offers a bridge to a novel future.

August 7 Thursday
The Moon is in Scorpio, and we may feel something deep inside us splitting open, letting some barely recognizable part of ourselves float up to the surface of our consciousness. It’s the part of us that sees change, renewal, as inevitable. Yet that part of us is at the mercy of what has come before it, of what has been desired and the kinds of boundaries carved out by the fulfillment of those desires. We have the chance to survey obstacles to our progress and uproot the life-restricting patterns that prevent exteriorizing the beautiful richness that lies in our hearts.

August 8 Friday
The Scorpio Moon links to the realities of cultural differences and assumptions today. We may feel captivated with the past and how it can be decomposed. To progress we need a clear decision to advance. The first quarter phase begins at 2:20 pm, MT. During this period we need to prove our adherence to whatever decisio
n has been made by taking the action demanded by it. The next few days may be driven by the wondrous world within us. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

August 9 Saturday
With this Saturday’s Scorpio Moon there may be underlying messages in the ideas that our meandering minds gravitate to. Examine them for insights into the kind of renewal your soul is seeking. At 3:02 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course, draining out the soul-cleansing waters of Scorpio. At 5:10 pm, she moves into ideal-seeking Sagittarius. Think carefully about what you want to attract. On Sunday we may feel a restlessness to grow in spite of any restraints. Time may seem to bind us and provoke us to flee into creative spaces in our psyches.


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