Monday, April 20, 2009

Balsamic and New Moon

April 20 Monday
The Pisces Moon invites us to question some of our long-standing ways of expressing body, soul and spirit as one or as different entities. What reference points seem to inspire such experiences? Are they spiritual teachers, texts, or something else? Are these guides externally or internally accessible? Is there some manner of ritualistic expression that seems to maintain a steady yet non evolving relationship? Pisces strives to work out tensions and throw away what is no longer useful. It is time to confront ourselves wholistically to remove hindrances and allow an interconnective flow of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual juice.

April 21 Tuesday
The Pisces Moon enters her balsamic phase at 7:26 am, MT. The Moon has aged at this point in her cycle and returns to the tomb or womb darkness to renew a feeling of unity. This phase is natural for Pisces with its tendencies to merge with what is commonly shared. And so we too can strive to operate with all of our parts and with other people in unison for mutual interests. This may take an alignment of beliefs and assumptions with various facets of values. For the rest of these weekdays, a churning feeling of what looms in the future prevails, and bringing a sense of oneness to the forefront renews and awakens new perspectives.

April 22 Wednesday
We have forty minutes of ultra-sensitivity full of inspiration and =0
Apossibilities as the Pisces Moon goes void of course from 7:29 am to 8:09 am, MT, best used envisioning how satisfying some of these ideas could be if actualized. The Moon moves into Aries at the end of that time, energizing us to stride forward by throwing out the garbage that blocks our way and gravitating towards what one wants. A high level of anticipation mixed with diverse ideas and interests may serve as a recipe for restlessness, superficiality, or sloppiness today. Wanting something now is not a substitute for planning.

April 23 Thursday
With this Aries Moon there is a strong impulse to assert one’s power as a statement of identity. There’s lots of energy to overcome the inertia of the balsamic Moon phase and make things happen. Haste, however, or pushiness or going in too many directions may contribute to disturbing what is still in embryo form. Focus needs to be on planning and re-enforcing faith in one’s ability to keep together all of one’s conscious parts, including the insatiable and the impatient, so that new modes of action can emerge and be develop. The impulsive, foolhardy part of us needs to step aside and make room for something not yet met.

April 24 Friday
The Aries Moon goes void of course at 6:12 am, MT, spending over six hours releasing the eagerness of Aries and leaving us feeling a bit drained. At 12:46 pm, she moves into Taurus,
and external stimuli may begin to entice us into action. Tonight at 9:23 pm, the Moon conjoins the Sun for a new cycle. This new Moon births a theme of bridging gaps, building connections so that more of life can be experienced. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

April 25 Saturday
This new Taurus Moon draws our attention to how the structure of our social life can serve as a passageway for various combinations of connecting. Relationship pressures can entrap us if we don’t think of them as satisfying our needs for interaction with others. Making certain links assist s in collecting information full of beauty and love. On Sunday at 9:42 am, MT, the Moon begins to void herself of Taurean gifts for almost six hours. During that time we may be influenced by the promise of equality and elusive graceful moments. The Moon enters inquisitive Gemini at 3:02 pm.


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