Monday, April 13, 2009

Disseminating and Last Quarter Moon

April 13 Monday
The Sagittarius Moon moved into her disseminating phase early this morning. This is a time to strive for recognition and understanding of something that has emerged into our consciousness over the past couple of weeks—something that urges us to expand our capacity to equalize attention to internal and external growth. Time constraints can provoke us into feisty actions to deal with all of the steps required to circle in on our ability to simultaneously express ourselves in the realm of spirit and in the realm of our physical reality while realizing that they are one and the same.

April 14 Tuesday
With this Sagittarius Moon look for various happenings that have a feeling of promise to get you out of some limiting habits. It is important to allow for new expressions of one’s feelings in the actions one takes. Flight is an option when frustration and overwhelming odds appear, but taking on the challenge of fighting to reform one’s life can produce a certain rhythm that surprisingly removes blockages. Mobilize your will to seize opportunities to go beyond the circle of patterns you have accrued. Rally your thoughts and feelings to strive for an ideal way of living that is within your means.

April 15 Wednesday
The Moon moved into Capricorn last night, a sign that urges us to take charge of our lives by developing capacities that will work out karma. There is=2
0great force this morning full of emotional torrents. This may feel peculiar, swamping us in fear or even terror. Warrior-like courage is available to initiate profound change. But first, one must decide on what is really needed, dismissing all frills. One’s personal vision of life identifies the plans for making specific ideas road-worthy so that the journey forward doesn’t imprison us in someone else’s agenda.

April 16 Thursday
With this Capricorn Moon we may feel trapped by social pressures unless we have found a way to co-ordinate our self-expression with a re-written script that conveys an integrated state of being. Some of this may seem a bit eccentric. By favoring an inward focus, freedom and security may be felt while pushing oneself to fulfill expectations. Capricorn can help us get worked up about the value of our spiritual grounding, and it can serve as a launching pad for radical reformation of some personal habits. Capricorn can honor the outward journey with renewed inward faculties.

April 17 Friday
The Capricorn Moon enters her last quarter phase at 7:36 am, MT. During this period we can size up what we have accomplished and make or renew a commitment to expand our consciousness. We can sense the meaning and value of our spiritual notions and how they correlate with our public physical reality. The Moon goes void of course at 10:42 am, MT, for over=2
0an hour of distorted views. At 12:19 pm, the Moon moves into Aquarius, and an hour later Venus goes direct, both emphasizing relationships.

April 18 Saturday
With this Aquarius Moon we can make room for innovations by sorting out what we think may be useful in the process and getting rid of what we consider useless. On Sunday issues arise around groundedness and practicality with changing viewpoints. At 4:16 pm, MT, Sunday, the Moon goes void of course, blowing off the rest of Aquarius’s inventive ideas. A half hour later during this transitional time, the Sun moves into Taurus with a less realistic sense of things than is usually displayed by that sign. Even as the Moon moves into Pisces around midnight there is a feeling of being swept along by other-worldly things.


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