Sunday, March 16, 2014

Disseminating and Last Quarter Moon

Monday March 17 This Libra Moon, full of light is also full of sudden realizations about how each of us learns about the spiritual dimension of life from others, and, in turn, how we teach others about it as well. This reciprocity of engaging each other is a common human trait directly related to the golden rule of doing good for each other. Some of us might take that universal principle to another level today. Mercury moves into Pisces this afternoon adding sensitivity to our perception of what it means to interact with others on the high road of inspiration. Today we are compelled to trust in but not cling to a spiritually enriching social environment. We need to work out tensions. Tuesday March 18 With this Libra Moon it is easy to give more importance to group needs than personal ones. We may feel enthusiastic about the betterment of social conditions. There’s a strong need to act in this regard, but it’s best to not be rash. Role playing in one’s mind can help. Internally we can perform many ideal ways of serving a community. Contrasting those with degrading behaviors can bring greater clarity as to the standards desired. Libra has high expectations but wants to know what the odds are in order to bring about a natural order of conditions in relationships. Tonight at 7:07, MT, the Moon goes void of course for eight hours of shaking off the hypercritical perceptions of Libra. Wednesday March 19 With this Scorpio Moon feelings and thoughts gush out like water from a broken glass. They wander everywhere probing for the hidden gold of illumination, knowing that daily life is a training ground for the spirit. Everything becomes a metaphor for levels of enlightenment or consciousness. Scorpio can be pre-occupied with the basic energy behind external facades. The mind of Scorpio is constantly dismantling, stripping away, or un-wrapping the observed for the essentials, for what is expected. Often Scorpio assumptions are right or nearly so, but today there can be some surprises, especially if one has acted rashly, egoistically, or too confidently. Thursday March 20 With this Scorpio Moon we can see our spiritual legacy anew. Scorpio has the capacity to rise to the highest level of values. At 6:20 am, MT, the Moon enters her disseminating phase, identifying the extraordinary within the ordinary of our daily life. From now through Sunday we can reinforce these remarkable experiences by making a ritual celebration of the immanence of an invisible presence in our lives. At 10:57 am, MT, the Sun moves into Aries, marking the Vernal Equinox. New paths light up with this change of seasons. We can face many, maybe all, of them squarely and know which ones lead to the sublime, unless old fears inhibit us. During the night the Moon drains off feelings of worthlessness which Scorpio can indulge. Friday March 21 The Moon is purging herself of obsessive Scorpio until 9:39 am, MT, when she moves into intuitive Sagittarius. With faith in the inspired-hunches of Sagittarius we can see larger forces working and creating good feelings among members of a group. There’s a ripple effect in light-hearted exchanges, and the heightened perceptions offered in this Moon cycle include the social value of sharing emotionally and philosophically. Heart to heart encounters confirm certain spiritual truths. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend March 22 and 23 With this Sagittarius Moon we can get into a personal rhythm which stimulates conditions we’ve acclimated to for inspiration. Poetic sensitivity can be enhanced through surrendering to the beat of this ritualistic behavior. For some, this can be trance inducing. During the night and through Sunday morning the Moon voids herself of the mental journeys of Sagittarius. It’s a good time to live in one’s own inner world. At 2:03 pm, MT, the Moon moves into deeply thoughtful Capricorn, and at 7:46 pm, she enters her last quarter phase. This is a time for re-orientation based on decisions about what one really needs. There’s value in the shared perspectives of those with whom we navigate the roads to enlightenment.


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