Sunday, March 09, 2014

Gibbous and Full Moon

Monday March 10 With this Cancer Moon our impulses steer us in an unexpected, yet potentially rewarding direction despite the resistance which comes from comforting habits. This path takes us into unexplored territory which magnetically draws us through the deep feelings and beliefs from our formative years about a spiritual life. Such a journey can be bumpy. There’s security on the flat road of enduring knowledge from the past. There’s fear of being foolish on the curves of unrevealed secrets, and trepidation on the deep inclines of new lessons. It is, after all, a day to heed a caveat not to overemphasize the details, lest we not notice the surrounding forest for the trees. Tuesday March 11 This Cancer Moon reminds us that experience is often the best teacher. When confronted with options today, it’s best to choose wisely and not just let things unfold without input. The morning brings widening conditions with deeper implications. Our appetites for distant horizons are stirred up. At 1:50 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course until this evening. While she is showering off the overly-giving nature of Cancer, our defenses can be weakened. Readjustments may be necessary to keep from losing oneself in the distractions which easily trap a restless mind. Surroundings can become chaotic, and self-indulgence can be a soothing balm. At 8:09 pm, the Moon moves into hospitable and engaging Leo. Wednesday March 12 This Leo Moon seeks theatrical effects that illuminate. Our many social or psychological modes may get spotlighted, showing what works and what doesn’t in group performances. We can also discern who parallels or matches our expectations of the ideal companions on the trip to enlightenment. At 10:17 am, MT, the Moon enters her gibbous phase which usually brings up a need to play along with what is developing by using a technique that comes naturally or simply that works even if it is incongruous with your nature. In this cycle it will help to make a strong emotional case for your beliefs. Exchanging important bits of information can bring about radical shifts. Thursday March 13 With this Leo Moon we will find that a rigorous regimen will be worthwhile in synchronizing with the rhythm of our hearts’ desires. We can also re-define the distinctions between the sublime and the everyday experiences. Subtle insinuations can improve our sense of the interconnections between people, other species, and things. All of this triggers a concern to do the right thing. The Leo in us can be unwavering in maintaining integrity. Our Leonine nature can also enjoy togetherness with a broad spectrum of people. An emerging new perspective can put things in a new context, if we can integrate some troubling feelings with our thoughts. Friday March 14 The Leo Moon is voiding herself of dazzling Leo this morning, popping any bubbles of clarity. At 8:17 am, MT, the Moon moves into repetitive routines of Virgo. Yet we may have difficulty maintaining the special patterns or structure of some of these rituals today. We can easily be distracted by external events and act without thinking in unusual ways. Letting our rough edges show can actually assist in keeping up with current activities and interactions with others. Virgo tries to live up to the expectations of others, and sometimes commonly shared foibles elicit empathy. Weekend March 15 and 16 With this Virgo Moon our perceptions seem to be enhanced in our relationships. By looking for honest emotional reciprocity, we can discern our true comrades on a spiritual quest. Thoughtful observation can also help. On Sunday morning at 11:08 am, MT, we have a full Moon beginning a phase of revelations about how we cultivate a social atmosphere which manifests one’s vision of an inner peace which comes from the ongoing process of illuminating one’s consciousness. We may also become aware of how we fall short of our expectations in this regard. Our inner yearnings and the beliefs which set them in motion may also come to light. This full Moon also goes void of course until 6:46 pm, supporting ventures into the boundless realm of imagination.


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