Monday, May 21, 2007

Crescent and First Quarter Moon

May 21 Monday
We have a crescent Leo Moon fascinated by opportunities to explore new ways of strengthening love bonds of all sorts. Whatever course of action is taken today, be sure that it has your heart’s approval. The process of association, of linking people, ideas, actions, and things is strong with the Sun having gone into Gemini early this morning and Mercury already there, showing us how much our civilization has put together a diverse combination of relationships and thoughts, which we each can express using the cumulative efforts of our ancestors.

May 22 Tuesday
With Tuesday’s Leo Moon we can take our ideas about linking up with someone or something precious and decide on a new way of performing that fits the circumstances. Or we might notice how we shun opportunities to shift our habitual behavior openly. If we hesitate or avoid deciding to pursue some impulse that gives form to some sort of connection, we risk having any realization of unity in this Moon cycle. We may simply decide to notice how we pursue what we cherish, how we are at one with our hearts’ desires, or not.

May 23 Wednesday
The Leo Moon goes void of course at 7:08 am, MDT, shedding the love triumphs and woes of Leo. At 10:26 am, she moves into Virgo, ready to labor according to the dictates of the indwelling life force. At 3:02 pm, the Moon enters her first quarter phase, the time for developing whatever new impulse or perspective that has shown up over the passed week. This Virgo Moon suggests we carve out or cultivate a space of beauty within ourselves for our inner selves, our mentors, our guardian angels, whomever you refer to as your spiritual advisors.

May 24 Thursday
With Thursday’s Virgo Moon we can keenly see not only what we are capable of doing but what we must piece together. This is not an easy-going day; we can take control of some things. Yet others may demand desperate measures. Old habits may sabotage new directions. With Neptune going retrograde tonight, we may feel spaced out, on automatic pilot while exerting ourselves to form some emotional bonds with others. Getting through this day may be like walking five miles through sand dunes to find a purse a dog snatched and ran off with.

May 25 Friday
Friday’s Virgo Moon offers challenges. Can you fully participate in your routines and encounters without shutting out anyone or being easily offended? Can you decipher what brings you into harmony and what does not? What disharmonious conduct might be wrapped up and discarded? The Moon goes void of course at 6:43 pm, MDT, for three and a half hours of dispersing discordant thoughts or behaviors. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MDT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

May 26 Saturday
The Moon is in Libra, reminding us to choose good influences that encourage us to live with full awareness of our connectedness. Try envisioning yourself in everyone and everything you encounter today. On Sunday there is a need for deep concentration and trust as extremes of thinking may come up in exchanges. And it may be difficult to nurture or support what you yearn for. At 5:32 pm, MDT, Sunday, the Moon enters her gibbous phase. It’s time to gather what is needed to fully realize the integration or union being sought with the coming full Moon.


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