Monday, May 07, 2007

Disseminating and Last Quarter Moon

May 7 Monday
The disseminating Capricorn Moon helps us to understand how our thinking gets generated by our inner beliefs and that the outer reality in some ways is open-ended. Things operate on different levels, and in strange ways beyond rational thinking. Today our mental energy wants to bridge the rational with the imaginary. With well-grounded Capricorn we can fantasize all we want without fear of fooling ourselves. Ideas that can revolutionize our lives may show up as if from nowhere, and they can fuel our determination to get what we want from life.

May 8 Tuesday
The Capricorn Moon is void of course this morning, shoveling out the wisdom of our past experiences. Defer work that needs focused, mindful attention till the afternoon. At 11:48 am, MDT, the Moon enters Aquarius, drawing our attention to the common good. Move into the rest of the day feeling as if you have a great deal of freedom to express your opinions. You just might draw someone into your viewpoint, or at least sort out potential directions that recent insights suggest.

May 9 Wednesday
With the Aquarius Moon, we can observe what is changing and what is staying the same while being in the midst of life’s hubbub of energy. It’s important to demonstrate where you stand and which direction you’re taking. Aquarius can boost your confidence in your beliefs. And depending on your enthusiasm about them, you can draw others into your view of reality. The priority, however, is your conviction, that deep knowing that doesn’t waver. Now is the time to push yourself to fulfill expectations.

May 10 Thursday
The Aquarius Moon went into her last quarter phase last night and will be in this stage until Sunday. During this time the meaning and value of this Moon cycle can become clear. Have you realized that your beliefs are both marvelous and strange, and that living by them intentionally evokes the indwelling spirit in all of us? And how do you appreciate this phenomenon? The Aquarius Moon goes void of course at 3:47 pm, MDT for almost two hours before she moves into belief-inspiring Pisces. It can be as unstable as a thunderstorm during this voiding period.

May 11 Friday
With this Pisces Moon insights about beliefs and behaviors that validate them percolate in our subconscious minds. If we go within and ask ourselves what our demeanor says about our assumptions, we just might get some surprising answers. Check out your emotional meter while doing such an inner dialogue, as Pisces communicates strongly in the feeling realm. Our emotions don’t deceive us! Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MDT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

May 12 Saturday
Saturday’s Pisces Moon goes void of course at 5:53 pm, MDT, creating an open-ended space for seeing how viewpoints are just different aspects of one reality. At 8:19 pm, the Moon moves into Aries for the rest of the weekend, and enters her balsamic phase at 8:31 am, Sunday. By reviewing the events and activities of the past three weeks, we can get a sense of something new germinating. We may even inspire others by setting an example of commitment to our expectations of the future.


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