Sunday, March 08, 2015

Disseminating and Last Quarter Moon

Monday March 9 The Moon is voiding herself of Libra’s need for social rightness until 7:10 am, MT, when she moves into Scorpio, searching for protective gear for warding off any external threats to her security. We may prefer to hide something. At 3:00 pm, the Moon enters her disseminating phase when it’s time to demonstrate what we’ve learned about the essence of our cultural ideals. It’s suggested that we do this by melding what we desire step by step into a deeper social matrix. Secret urges for union with others are awakening. There’s an impulsiveness to act on these impulses, and the best way to do that is to talk candidly about them. Tuesday March 10 This Scorpio Moon is tapped into many levels of reality, some rarely accessed. If we can bring secret knowledge buried deep within us into the open and piece it together, we can birth a new spiritual vitality to develop ideal social relations. Past experiences can help in sorting out what’s important for oneself alone and what’s important for group interactions. Emotions can guide us in making these decisions. One’s personal morale needs just as much consideration as that of the people in one’s life. Any tension between individual requirements and social ones needs to be worked out. There can be cooperative or destructive sharing. The choice is up to each of us. Wednesday March 11 With this Scorpio Moon there are revolutionary alterations afloat in our emotions. Discontent can bring about all sorts of disruptions. Fury fuels fights. There’s an urgent need to make independent modifications to achieve something of major importance. Taking charge of personal affairs can lead to a fuller existence. At 1:46 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course for almost four hours. While she is draining off the ruthless ways of Scorpio, we may feel detached and uninvolved. The atmosphere is conducive to subversive activity which seems inconspicuous. At 5:30 pm, the Moon moves into the persuasiveness of Sagittarius urging us to proceed with changes in mind. Thursday March 12 This Sagittarius Moon is accompanied by urges to zero in on our personal perceptions of how we get to a new level of cultural relations. It can, however, be difficult to separate one’s ideals and dreams from the existing reality. It can take intense ordeals to stir up innovative cultural energy. If we are open to fresh ways of living morally and spiritually, we may find the means to transform our lives. By accepting the extraordinary occurrences today and piecing them together, we might see glimmers of possibilities worth pursuing. Too much eagerness and optimism, however, can lead to carelessness and thwart success. Friday March 13 The Sagittarius Moon can present a broad impersonal view of social betterment in the part of our lives related to this sign. The illnesses of society can be diagnosed and cures offered as the Moon enters her last quarter phase at 11:48 am, MT. Today it becomes clear that the meaning of this cycle is for us to become aware of a need to cross a border into a different way of existing with some new standards. At 5:11 pm, the Moon goes void of course, smothering adventurous Sagittarius until after midnight. Spiritual concepts permeate the evening. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend March 14 and 15 The Capricorn Moon encourages putting our priorities in order with a spiritual emphasis. With Saturn going retrograde this Saturday, it’s a good day for restructuring the part of our lives linked to Capricorn. This sign offers discipline and restraint to fulfill responsibilities. On Sunday we can draw on inner resources to provide the energy needed to continue rearranging those things which will help us improve our social involvement. It will take strength to balance activity and rest. It helps to focus on whatever oozes vitality. There may be enough juice there to guide us to the bare bones of what is needed to reform some behavior. Our emotional currents can also help us sort out things.